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When I'm on the stage performing a ballet piece that I've practiced for weeks and weeks, it's like nothing else is really there. It's just me and the stage. My whole entire body is in sync with my emotions, and I'm burning alive, like a fire. But it doesn't hurt. You know how it feels when something really hurts, but it almost hurts in a good way. Like eating something spicy, running a marathon, or being so engulfed in a love you can't even breathe. But yet you enjoy that feeling, that sensation because you know it's making you stronger and it's what's keeping you alive at that moment. It's like that. That's how I feel when I'm performing. Whether there's an audience there or it's just me in my giant, beautiful, empty house. And there's nothing else like it. My friends all say that's how you feel when you're on drugs. I've never done drugs. But I just have this feeling it's not the same. I mean, when you're on drugs you don't really feel that way. It's just your body radiating with this false hope, and when it's over and you're not high anymore, it's all gone, and you realize it was never really there. But dancing is different because it is real. It's not just some chemicals rushing through your brain that make you feel all loopy. It's adrenaline and lust and romance and love and passion, pure passion. It's... nearly euphoric.

Nearly Euphoric {Nate Jacobs}Where stories live. Discover now