The prank (George Weasley)

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It was the start of 6th year at Hogwarts. And me and the twins were on our way back to Hogwarts. It was quite awkward to tell the truth. We hadn't talked since the end of last term, after the prank.

"So, Josie how was your summer?" Fred finally managed to spit a few words out. "Oh um it was okay, dad was busy with the order and stuff y'know" I fiddled with the rings on my fingers.

Fred suddenly jolted up out of his seat. "Well i'm gonna go find Angelina, i'll be back soon don't have too much fun" He let out an awkward laugh and left the compartment. Great.

"Look, i- we should talk" George was now looking out the window, avoiding any eye contact with me. I couldn't bring myself to looking at him either if i'm completely honest. "I'm sorry for what me and Freddie did, we never knew you- y'know fancied girls as well. And if we did, we would've never made you kiss Ginny in front of everyone. It was a massive mistake, we didn't meant to out you we just thought it'd be a harmless joke and we never thought Ginny felt that way either" He mumbled and mumbled all his words out.

"Listen George" I turned my body to now face him. "I don't know how i feel, i may be bisexual i honestly don't know but you humiliated me and Ginny, your own sister in front of everyone. And you know how i felt about you, but you still decided to do it" God that felt good to get off my chest. I stood myself up and started to head out of the compartment. "Im off to find Ginny and Luna, we have to get changed soon. Goodbye George" I slammed the door shut and hurried along the train.

Suddenly i felt someone bump into me with full force. "Watch it you- ah Black, see we meet again" Staring down at me was Draco Malfoy. Ugh god, he was so full of himself. "Sorry" I tried to move past him, but he wouldn't let me.

"Hmm off to find your girlfriend, Ginny is it? What a disappointment you turned out to be, firstly your the daughter of a mass murderer and now this? I would've abandoned you long ago" He sniggered, attracting a crowd including The twins and Angelina.

I felt my blood boil. "Yeah, well i'm quite proud to be Sirius' daughter and on top of that to be gay. At least i can get a girl unlike u, i bet even maybe i could pull Pansy before you could" Two could play at this game, but i wasn't going to stop. "At least i wasn't raised by blood suprematists, at least i grew up in a loving home. Jealous are we Malfoy? come on, don't treat your lil cousin like that?" I felt a rush of confidence fill me.

He grabbed hold on my hand, his cheeks now bright red. "You bitch, you'll pay for that. I don't care if we're cousins, i'll fucking kill you if i have to" He kept a tight grip on my wrist, which was now starting to hurt. I tried to pull away but he was too strong. "Draco get off me your hurting me" He smirked.

"Draco get the fuck off her" Suddenly he was met by Georges hand, sending him flying backwards hitting the ground hard. George bent down over him. "Next time, i'll leave more damage, got it?" He got back up and pulled me away from the now shocked crowd.

He closed the compartment door and we both sat down. "Thanks George" I didn't dare look up from the ground. "He's an arsehole, i can't believe he's your cousin" Yeah well me neither.

"George, you know i still feel the same about you, things haven't changed. I don't like your sister in that way, i hope you know that" I let out a sigh. "Josie i- oh fuck um, you know i like you too but i was been such a jerk about it and i shouldn't of done all that stuff" He started to panic  a bit now. "You like me?" I felt myself blush.

He grabbed hold of my hand and stroked it gently. "Yeah, but i don't want to rush into anything. Would you like to um, maybe go out for a date this weekend?" God he was so attractive. I don't really know what came over me. I suddenly felt my lips crash against his. Realising what i did, i pulled back away.

"Ill take that as a yes then" He let out a small giggle. I leant my head onto his shoulder. "Hmhmm" Finally everything felt okay again.

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