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The science room on Myerworth's main hall was one of the most frequently empty classrooms in the entire school. Not a soul went in there unless they worked in the building. Office staff occasionally had their small meetings there, but the principal had moved them to a more secluded part of the building, not trusting that their privacy was being kept from a certain type of student.

But not on this particular afternoon. The lights were off and breathy laughs bounced off the walls from Timothy in a state of rare bliss. His eyes rolled momentarily back in his head as he grabbed a handful of the dirty blond head nestled in the soft burnt chestnut of his neck.


Timothy could barely get his name out as it got comfortably lodged in his throat.

Both boys were more relaxed from when Caiden saw them that morning. More present. And how could they not be? In that room, located on the busiest hall at their high school, was the only place where they didn't have to not exist. Apart, it was difficult, but it had to be done because that's how they were conditioned to act. Together, though easy, was not acceptable. It was inappropriate, and there was only so much the both of them could take.

Bryan pushed Timothy against a desk in the corner. Though they were about the same size physically, he could easily overpower Timothy when he was over-excited. This was the only time both of them could be this raw. A maelstrom of contradicting emotions had shadowed his expression as he ran his fingers through Bryan's hair. If his mind wasn't sure, his heart always was.

"Bry, Bry, babe. We gotta stop—"

There was a smile on his lips as he cut off Timothy with his kisses.

"Tell me to stop again."

They kissed some more, but Timothy gently took the jock's face in his hands.

"We gon' get caught."

Bryan gauged his expression and pushed pause.

"It's your mom again, right?" Bryan was tired of hearing about it and rested his head on Timothy's shoulder for a second before picking it back up. "You're not doing what she says anymore."

"Yeah, but fuck her."

"Fuck you," he said, playfully giving into the innuendo.

Bryan started to head south, but Timothy firmly touched his broad shoulders in protest.


"Just shut up. It's okay"

They stared at each other, intense. For that moment, Timothy was convinced that everything would be all right. Bryan was there, in front of him. Nothing else mattered. Even if it was eating him up from the inside.

Right now, it didn't matter.

Bryan started back up again, but something was still holding Timothy back. He was still not all there. A part of him was enjoying every moment, but the other part, the part that had been consistently calling his name, seemed to be growing. And he couldn't stop it.


Iela watched William, a heavy middle-aged man hunch and sprint to her car. He was average-looking, balding, and normal, but it was clear that normal was something he definitely wasn't.

"Looks like this one is very well to do," she said while her eyes scaled an impressive high rise. She was parked downtown, where before she was watching the thinning corporate lunch crowd making their way back to their stuffy cubicles.

"He is," William said, rubbing the palms of his hand on his pinstriped slacks. "With a wife and kids and everything."

She eyed him, noting his sincerity.

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