Chapter 15 - Monster's Prey

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( Roseluck's POV )

Suddenly, I was teleported to a building along with the others. I look around my surroundings, it seems like I and the 14 others was teleported to an abandoned school, although the school was pretty clean.

"Roseluck!!! We're in the same building! Yay!!! I'm so glad!" It's Charlie who said that, and yeah. We were in the same building. "Huh? What is this? Why there's a floating words above you head? And why it said 'Vines'?" I asked, "Oh this? According to my watch, it's my nickname for this round! The same also appear above you! Except, it says 'Moon' instead of 'Vines'." Charlie pointed to my head, he was right. There's a floating words above my head that says 'Moon'.

( Third Person POV )

"Well, let's go to explore this school together, Vines!" We ran to the school because we want to explore it. "Okay, so there's 3 floor in this school, and we're in the first floor- Wow! What's this?! A CCTV? Cool! It looks like there's 8 CCTVs in this school. One in this security room itself, one in the frontyard / garden, one in the basketball court, one in the Science class, one in the teacher room, one in the principal's room, one in the 3rd floor hallway, and the last one is in the 2nd floor hallway. Wow, that's a lot!" Charlie was amazed.

When 7 pm...

"Wowie wow, it's getting dark here, it's good to know that this school still have lights on it, hehe. My phone battery was running low.I wonder if there's a place to charge my phone... Maybe in the teacher's room or in the principal's office?" They run to the principal office, hoping to find any charger that they can use.

Well, no one would think that this room could 'kill' them. "H... Huh?! W... What is this?! AAAKH!!! Charlie! Report this! Hurry up!" Roseluck and Charie fell silent and terrified. Immediately sounded the alarm on their watches.

"Ok the heck? Where is the corpse?" said a boy named 'Saturn' when all of them arrived in the 3rd floor hall. "Oh well, beside that, who died? We must have enough proofs before accusing others" said a girl named 'Orchid' "Oh about that, me and Moon saw the corpse in the pricipal's office, and it was 'Helianthus' who died. She was hung to death." Charlie explain the corpse to them.

"Hmm... So, do you remember who is the last person you saw there, but not Moon?" Orchid ask them, and oddly, that question was answered by someone else, Felis. "Wait! I think I saw who! I was in the securiry room atleast 5 minutes before the alarm rang. Helianthus isn't on Teacher's room or even the Principal's room! What I see in there is Glacier. He was looking around like looking for something in the teacher's room." he explain what he saw.

"Heh, funny if you say so. I was on the Math class earlier! You are accusing the wrong person, b-ch!" Glacier sat down with his legs to the table, "You think I was the monster? Tch! Go on! Let's make a deal! If I get voted, and it turned out that I am the prey, you're the one who will get voted next!" Glacier make a deal with Felis, tying to convince the other that he was a prey.

"Okay, deal!" Felis agreed and accepted that deal. So, everyone will vote for Glacier, if it turns out that Glacier isn't a monster, they'll vote for Felis next. So, it didn't take a lot of time for them to vote for their suspect. And when they finished voting, the projektor quickly turn on, showing the result of their votes.

Araneae ~ Male : 1 voteBronze ~ Male : 0 voteDew ~ Female : 0 voteFelis ~ Male : 2 votesGalaxy ~ Female : 0 voteGlacier ~ Male : 10 votesIce ~ Male : 0 voteLight ~ Male : 0 voteMoon ~ Female : 0 voteMushroom ~ Male : 0 voteOrchid ~ Female : 0 voteSaturn ~ Male : 1 voteVines ~ Male : 0 voteWillow ~ Female : o voteHelianthus ~ Female ~ Dead! 👏👏👏Most Voted : Glacier! Congratulations! ^^

Glacier smiled when the projector starts to choose his execution. And when the projector has choose his execution, he immediately teleported to where he will be executed. Everyone run to see his execution, is he really the monster?

He was teleported to the school garden / frontyard, and suddenly Helianthus appears. She seems like she didn't hold anything on her hands, so what is his execution?

Everyone watches as sunflowers and vines started to grow from the ground. And the vines were immediately creeping up on her body, while the sunflowers just grew tall and kept rising, causing other people to not see what the execution was like.

While among the crowd of sunflowers, Helianthus was taking out vines from the ground, and the vines were quickly climbing and covering Glacier's body. Slowly, Helianthus began to ensnare Glacier's body using these vines. And slowly, the plant choked him, suffocating him, before he finally died from suffocation.

Helianthus laughed and says "Too bad! Glacier was not the monster! He is the prey!" before she dissapear.

"So, Glacier is a prey? Is that means-" Dew's words were quickly replied by Felis "Yes, vote me next...". "Okay, we will vote you, as the deal that you've agreed before, but we can't vote you. We can only vote after a dead body was found. So, we'll just wait untill someone die, I guess..." Araneae said as he walked to the 2nd floor.

( Charlie's POV )

We walked to the corridor. "*Yawn* It's night, I am sleepy... But this is a school! There are no bedroom here!"Roseluck grumbled, "Well, what else can we do? Maybe we should take advantage of that. Instead of getting angry, why don't we just sleep with the others? I heard they all gathered in the school health unit to sleep." We go to the school health unit.

Well, they're right. All of them gathered here. Most of them has fallen asleep, and few of them are still awake. We sleep there, I hope my friends are still alive... I wonder what they're doing right now...

In the morning...

I woke up. Not because of anything, but I heard that someone screaming. I look at my surroundings "W... What happened?!". I was suprised. There's Willow who was screaming, and there's Felis who was lying on the floor, his head looked as if it had been smashed against the wall. Blood poured out of his head "You guys! Hurry up and take the first aid!" Orchid shouted at us while trying to stop the bleeding in Felis's head.

What was happened?!?!

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