A Moonlit Night

101 11 7
  • Dedicated to Kevin Huitt

Sitting alone in my house

I tend to my flesh that it tore

Holding my breath for sleepless nights

While it scrapes at my front door

Was it only days ago

That I first caught sight

Of something distant through the trees

Upon that moonlit night

As it moved I called out loud

My heart skipped beats as our eyes meet

The woods grew still and stopped its sounds

Like the slosh of leaves beneath its feet

Not breaking stare I drew more near

To better see its face

But far too soon it moved again

Quickening its pace

Close behind I followed it

Clutching at the bark

Of trees I passed that guided me

Into the twilight's dark

The shadows growing darker still

I started to go blind

But suddenly it turned to me

It's features now defined

With open palm stretched out my way

Unsure, I took its bait

Unaware that with the act

I'd sealed my very fate

With shrilling cries it gripped my wrist

And tore at me with wrest

I screamed and cried as I felt

It's claws dig in my chest

It bore it's teeth, an evil smile

It's talons stained with red

But abruptly I broke it's grasp

And turning quick I fled

I felt my heartbeat in my throat

As I raced past the trees

Hearing footsteps close behind

And weakening in my knees

I broke the forest's darkened grip

I saw my hovels light

Still hearing it's stomps follow me

My mind burning with fright

So here I sit in my house

I tend to my flesh that it tore

Holding my breath for sleepless nights

While it scrapes at my locked door

Suddenly the scratching stops

I hear it's sweetened cry begin

I slowly open my front door

Once more willing to let it in

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