Chapter 7: Only Hope

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Chapter 7:Only Hope

Normal P.O.V

__ had just given her final message to Doflamingo. It was clear the two of them were exhausted by this feud, and even more clear that the two just couldn't pull themselves away from each other. This pull of their souls was affecting them not just physically, but mentally as well. The two were trying their best to stay away from each other, but should they happen to even pass each other, and glance, they were pulled together like a pair of magnets. It infuriated them both. How could the fates do this? How could it be so cruel as to put two polar opposites together, and expect the two of them to get along? Doflamingo had made it clear that he found ___ disgusting to look at, and ___ had made it clear that she honestly didn't give a damn what he thought about her weight. Since he had no idea just how hard it was for her to lose this weight in the first place.

Doflamingo P.O.V

"Listen you feather brained asshole. Commenting on my weight is getting old. I'm well aware that I am overweight thank you, and you bringing it up every single damned time you see me isn't going to make me want to come with you. Either way, none of that matters. All I came here to do, was to give you a message. If you're willing to stay out of my life, and that means not coming to Baratie, or crossing my path, I will stop this petty feud. Otherwise, I'm going to make my next and final move, and I can assure you, you're not going to like it."

Doflamingo stopped fidgeting with his keys when those words were spoken. He didn't turn around, he didn't move, he just stood there. He was both intrigued, and enraged. She was giving him an ultimatum. Both of them of course knew it was impossible to stay away from each other. And yet, she still proposed that they do so. She followed this up, by saying that she'd make her final move, and he wouldn't like it. What could she possibly have planned that would be so terrible that it would make it the ultimate move on her part? He could call her bluff, and when he turned around, that was exactly what he had planned todo.

Yet, that isn't what happened. He turned to face her, and saw her opening her mouth to continue. He, without thinking, leaned down, and pressed his lips to her, in what started out as a chaste kiss, but turned into something more passionate. His tongue coming out to claim her mouth as his. It lasted all of twenty seconds, before __ pulled away, her face tinged bright red, a look of confusion and desire in her eyes.

Normal P.O.V

___ said her piece. She gave him the warning she intended to give him and he...didn't move. In fact, he just stopped moving altogether. For a solid minute, it was silent. She assumed he was calling her bluff, and trying to think how best to embarrass her. She assumed he was going to turnaround and call her an idiot, and tell her they both knew it was impossible to get over each other. So many different assumptions popped into her mind in the span of the silence. She was just opening her mouth to continue speaking when he moved.

Finally, Doflamingo turned around, and looked down at at her. In that same second, his hands came out, gripped her face, keeping it still, and he leaned down, and kissed her. Square on the lips! Her hands raised to press against his shirt. What she planned to do was push him away immediately, but instead, she submitted to the kiss, her fingers curling into his shirt.

This folks; is why you should never hold yourself back from your desires. Because they had been so busy doing their own thing, and playing keep away, that desire to be with each other had built up to a boiling point, and this was the ultimate breaking point. The kiss was passion personified.

When the kiss broke,___ stumbled back, her hands coming up to her face, her eyes filled with confusion and desire. In reality, she wanted to grab him again, and kiss him deeply. Taste him, feel his arms around her, finally be his. She trembled, and tears started to stream down her face. She turned away quickly to hide them and stormed back to her car, yanking it open, and getting back in, slamming the door closed, and locking it, her head dropping onto her steering wheel as she began to sob. This finally broke the poor woman. How could she stay away from him now? That kiss would forever be burned into her.

Doflamingo P.O.V

The kiss was pure heaven. It was as if their souls were finally connecting. All too soon it ended, and Doflamingo's hands dropped down to his sides as he watched tears begin streaming down ___'s face. Behind his glasses, his own eyes widened in surprise. The sheer look of pain on her face hurt him in ways he never thought were possible.

Why had the fates chosen them to be together? He was vain. Everyone knew it. He had assumed the woman he was fated to be with would be just as attractive as he was. Was this punishment for that? So many thoughts like this ran through his head as he watched the girl with his name on her back turn and practically run back to her car, and climb in. This one kiss had made the two of them crumble so quickly. He leaned against his own car as he just stared at his soulmate breaking down in her car.

Just when he thought things couldn't get any worse, he heard the clicking of camera shutter. He looked over, and spotted his brother, taking pictures, a big grin on his face. "Roci" The younger of the two froze in his picture taking, and stood up straight, grinning. He walked over to his elder brother, and slapped him on the back." That's your soulmate huh? Have you two finally given in to your desires for each other?" He looked into the car, and found ___crying, and turned to look at Doflamingo, the smile dropping from his face. "Doffy...She's crying. Shouldn't you be comforting her?"

Doflamingo looked back at Rocinante, and grumbled, waving his hand. "I kissed her, and she started crying. This isn't my damn fault!" Rocinante turned to look back at the car where ___ was slumped over, then back at his brother. "I see. I came to ask how that agreement went with you two after our talk. I'm guessing you blew it? I heard about the fire here, and I came to make sure you weren't hurt, but I'm guessing it has something to do with this?" Damn Roci was one hell of a detective! Doflamingo wasn't even surprised that his brother was able to figure it out so quickly. "I'm not here as a cop Doffy, so you don't have to worry.

Doflamingo scoffed. "Cora...I'm not worried about why you're here. But I think...I think this feud needs to end. I gave her two choices, and, in my frustration, and disgust, I may have told her what she had todo, and in the process, I pushed her away." He looked back at the car, and behind his glasses, there was a pitying look in his eyes. "That kiss you just photographed. It was the single most pleasurable thing I've felt in my life, and Roci... I want more of them."

Normal P.O.V

___ wanted to scream. To slam her hands into her steering wheel and to sing his praises, all at the same time. That kiss had been the best things he'd ever felt. The light touches, the embraces? None of it compared to that single kiss, and it both frustrated her, and upset her. She wanted more. She wanted to kiss him again and again, Yet, at the same time, she wanted to punch him in the face for making her feel so damn weak. To feel like she needed him! She didn't need him! She didn't want him!

All she could manage to do, was sob, her head falling onto the steering wheel as she wailed. Why did she love that kiss so much? Why did it make her feel so good? Fates why!? She heard muffled talking, and sniffled, turning her head to the side to look at Doflamingo. However, he was no longer alone. There, standing with him was a man just a few inches shorter than him, with the same blonde hair, and similar facial features. That must be the brother she'd found out about! He was here? Doflamingo and him got along? Judging by the soft grin on his face, it was apparent that they got along rather nicely, despite being on opposite sides of the law.

Well, there went the plan she'd originally come up with to begin with. With Rocinante talking to Doflamingo, saying that she was going to tell him would be redundant. She stopped sobbing, but kept her face down to look like she still was. She was eavesdropping on them! As she listened to their conversation, her heart began to beat even faster. Doflamingo had spoken to Rocinante about her before the feud had started? He was telling the cop that he was right? ___ could hardly believe what she was hearing.

Then came the cherry on top of it all. He admitted to his brother that he wanted to kiss her more, and that he'd been an idiot for giving her the two choices. So now he understood why she had been so frustrated, and had turned him down from the beginning? Was this even going to change anything? She hoped so! She wanted to finally be accepted by him! Please let him come to her car. Please let him knock, and apologize! Please fates...Give her a break for once!.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 13, 2021 ⏰

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