First Post!

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OfficialYachiHitoka: I'm on the beach! I literally have no clue what to post, but I saw some other people doing it (read I saw KurooTetsurou_Nekoma doing it) so here I am! I don't know why you're here, there are probably better things you can do...

OfficialSuzukiKaede: Shh Yacchan, you're pretty, and you need more appreciation (Yachi Appreciation Squad Assemble)! Anyways... Sup it's the Admin, Suzuki Kaede! Call me Kaede, or Admin-chan! Seriously though I have no clue what the heck I'm doing XD Also, check out KurooTetsurou_Nekoma's Instagram, they're amazing! (Not me advertising oop-)

OfficialYachiHitoka: Aw, thanks Kaede-chan! And that's our introduction! It's nice to meet you!

OfficialSuzukiKaede: See you on the next post! Bye, and have an awesome day!

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