Friend! (Featuring Mika-san)

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OfficialYachiHitoka: Mika-san is really nice, and totally different from her boyfriend! We are really close friends, and to be honest, we sometimes (not usually, but sometimes) talk to each other about how Kuroo and her boyfriend are crazy and sometimes stupid (and yes Kuroo, you can be crazy and stupid, don't deny it). We always have to break up their fights, which gets tiring. But really, it's adorable sometimes.

OfficialYachiHitoka: We don't get to spend a lot of time with each other, since we live in different places, but I visit her every time I go to Tokyo, and we also videochat a lot~!

OfficialYachiHitoka: Oh yeah, and to Daishou-san, if you make her unhappy, I won't forgive you~  Just saying.

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