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Sirius opened his eyes and for a moment he stared at the wall opposite him in surprise before allowing himself a shake of the head, remembering right where he was at. His old bedroom. H still wasn't quite used to waking up in his old room instead of a cell in Azkaban. He shivered slightly at the thought.

He then caught the smell of fried eggs and bacon. He sniffed the air, enjoying the tasty smell.

Wait, who was making breakfast? Mrs. Weasley had had to leave early this morning something about going to an old friend to recruit them to the Order.

It must be Moony, he was the only other person he knew who got up this early.

He threw off the covers and got up, grabbing a pair of muggle jeans and a t-shirt before throwing a robe on.

He usually wasn't up this early in the morning, but he had finally had a decent night's sleep last night. Now that Harry was staying there, he wasn't constantly having to worry. It didn't matter what Dumbledore said, he knew Harry wasn't safe there, and the Dementors had proved that. Not to mention having Voldemort and his Death Eaters running lose. And he knew the the Dursley's certainly weren't of any use, they'd never treat Harry like family. He didn't know why Dumbledore insisted on Harry going back there every summer.

Closing his door quietly so as not to disturb any of his sleeping guests, he rounded the corner, nearly bumping into Remus in the process.

"Remus, what are you doing here?" Sirius asked, slightly shocked.

Remus looked at him confused, "I'm staying here, remember?"

"I thought you were cooking breakfast." Sirius said.

Remus shook his head, "I was just going down stairs to see who was making breakfast myself."

They continued down the hall and had just reached the top of the stairs when Remus froze.

"What is it?" Sirius asked, pausing, one foot hovering above the top step.

"Do you hear that?" Remus asked, cocking his head slightly.

"Hear what?" Sirius asked.

"It sounds like... music." he explained.

They shared a confused look, and continued to creep down the stairs, not making a single sound. Something that they had been perfected over years of being a marauder.

They followed the music to the kitchen and opened the door a slight crack, peering inside.

Inside, Harry was standing in front of the stove, the sleeves of his muggle shirt pushed up to his elbows, turning over eggs in the skillet on the stove. Ginny was standing a short ways down the counter, her hair pulled back in a messy ponytail, standing on tiptoe, pulling some plates down from the cupboard.

Setting on the counter between them was a small, muggle radio, playing an unfamiliar tune.

Ginny carried the plates over to the table and set them out before walking back over to grab the silverware, but before she could reach the counter, Crookshanks streaked across the room in front of her, in hot pursuit of a small, gray mouse.

Ginny stumbled backwards, losing her balance.

Remus and Sirius watched as Harry dropped the turner he was holding and went to catch her before she hit the hard, stone floor.

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