🥔regrets🥔{Techno and phil}

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Techno sat on his sofa, looking down at the hat that he was holding. He reached his hands to his cheeks and wiped away his tears. It has been a few days since the incident, the incident that broke him.

Flashback time))

It was like any evening. Phil and techno were in the syndicate room waiting for ranboo and niki. While they were waiting phil was reading a book, while techno had hid head on the table, tying to shut the voices down.

Phil took his eyes of the book and looked at techno. He sighed and placed his book down and got up, walking over to techno. He sat down next to techno and placed his hands on techno back and started drawing comforting circles on his back.

Techno jumped a bit and looked at the person that had there hands on technos back. Techno calmed and sighed down when he saw that it was only phil and smiled at him. "you alight mate?"

You could here the worry in phils voice when talking to techno. Techno looked at phil for a few minutes before nodding. "yeah. Just the voices" phil nodded and walked back to his seat. After a few minutes niki and ranboo walked in together.

"So sorry we're late. We were a bit busy" said niki walking over to her seat and sat down. Ranboo did the same thing and said a quite 'sorry'

"It's fine mate. Let's start the meeting" phil stood up and started talking about future plans. Techno tried to focuse on what phil was saying but the voices were too over whelming.

After the meeting ended Ranoo and niki left, claiming that they had something to do. They bid their goodbyes and left. Phil waved at them at them goodbye and sat down next to techno. "any plans for today techno?"

Techno jumped again and looked at phil before shaking his head no. phil frowned and sighed. It was normal for the voices to get over whelming for techno, so phil was used to having to take care of him.

Phil got up and stretched before speaking again. "come on mate. Let's head back and I'll make you some soup. How does that sound?" techno stood up before replying to philza. "that sounds good"

Both of them started walking outside of the room, closing the door after them. They walked along the hallway until they left the area. They kept walking and talking until they got to the house.

Phil walked up to the door and opened it, allowing himself and techno to walk in. Techno went to the couch while went to the kitchen to make techno some soup. After a few minutes philza walked to techno and set two bowls of soup on the table.

Techno thanked philza and started drinking the soup. Phil smiled and started to drink the soup as well. After almost an hour of them drinking soup and talking phil went to sleep, leaving techno to his own thoughts.

Techno didn't hear any voices for a while, so he just assumed that they got bored of him. That is, until they started yelling at him in the middle of the night. He got up from his sleep and held his head, then started to tell them to shut up repeatedly.

It took him about 10minutes for them to quite down. So techno decided to wake up phil and ask him if would go on a walk with him. Since the voices are calmer when phil is around.

Techno walked into philzas rooms and started shaking the older man to get him to wake up. After a bit of shaking phil opened his eyes and turned to look at techno. "yes techno? Is everything alright?"

Techno shook his head before speaking. "the voices won't shut up. So I was wondering if you would like to go on a walk with me"

Phil smiled and got out of bed. "sure mate, just let me change int some winter clothes and I'll be down in a minute" techno nodded and left the room to head down stairs.

A couple of minutes had passed until phil came down all change into some warmer clothes. Techno stood up and started walking to the door, walking outside and down the few flights of stairs before waiting for phiza on the cold white snow.

The two walked and talked for a while. Just enjoying each others company. But, for some reason, the voices kept demanding blood. Techno managed to act like it was ok.

Techno then stopped in his trackes and blacked out for a couple of minutes. When he woke up again he couldn't believe what he saw in front of him.

Philza, on the cold snow, dead with a sword in his chest. Techno fell to his knees as tears started falling down eyes. He picked up philzas lifeless body and cradled it in his arms as he cried.

He couldn't believe it, he had killed his best friend and his father. Why did he do that? Who would he hurt next? If he could hurt the closest person to him, then who's to say he wouldn't hurt anyone else.

Techno got up, phil still in his arms. He carried him in his arms and walked back to the house to dig him a grave. After a bit of walking techno finally got to the house.

He walked to a small clearing and placed phil on the snow to start digging his grave. Techno picked up a shovel and started digging. Occasionally he would wipe a tear or two away. After a bit of digging techno finally finished the hole, the hole that he was gonna place his own father in.

He picked up phil and slowly placed him in the hole. After placing phil in he took the shovel and started placing the dirt on top of phis dead body, tears falling down harder.

He dropped the shovel when he was done. He looked at the grave that he had just made for his father. The tears started falling down harder then ever as he looked at his fathers grave. When he looked to his side he saw his fathers green an white stripped hate. He picked it up and looked at it, sad that he would never get to see him on his father ever again.

Technos legs started to get wobbly, causing him to fall to his knees as he started to cry harder, clenching onto his fathers hat for dear life.

"I'm sorry. Phil im so sorry. Come back, dad please come back"

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