Part 15- The Ark

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"Are you two coming or what?" Kane shouts from behind the tree line. I sigh heavily,
"Yeah, coming!"
Echo looks over towards me and smirks, i roll my eyes at the brunette but follow her in the direction of the shouts anyway. We walk for maybe two hours before Kane begins to lack behind.
"Hey! Are you sure this is the right  way?" Echo shouts back, turning around to face the dot in the distance that was Marcus.
"Positive!" He shouts back sticking up his hand. I sigh at the girl next to me,
"Doesn't seem like were getting any closer." 
Soon after my statement we reach the bottom of a ridge, it had to have been over 200 feet.
"Hm," Kane sighs," I dont remember walking over this."
"So you mean we're lost!?" I retort getting angry at the man.
"Do not use that tone with me!" Kane shouts, causing the girl next to me to jump slightly.
"We helped you escape! Followed you into the middle of nowhere. And now we're lost. Perfect."
Kane rolls his eyes at me and starts walking up the ridge. Anger bubbled in my stomach, we were lost and he wasnt even going to help us. I go to follow Kane up the ridge but soon feel a hand pulling mine backwards,
"Hey. You need to cool off." Echo starts, "chasing after him isn't going to anything."
I sigh heavily and nod at the girl infront of me, it was only then that i realised she was still holding my hand. When my eyes flicker across she pulls her hand away quickly, knowing that she wouldn't let me hold her hand, even if i wanted to, i didnt bother to reach back out for it.

We both walk in silence to the top of the ridge, and when we do reach it the sight is eerie. The thing that i lived on for all of my childhood sat there infront of me. Yeah it may have crashlanded but it looked exactly the same, even down to the window i used to stare out of as a child. Echo placed a hand on my shoulder and squoze it gently, the people looked like ants. As usual Jaha had taken control, and even from this height i could practically hear him bossing around his orders. I wondered if Abby was down there, frantically searching for her only child. I thought about going down there, hugging her, and telling her that Clarke is fine. But i didnt. Why? Honestly, i dont know.


Hi, sorry it been so long in the making. I've had trouble with my phone again and with that and schoolwork I've barley had any time. Its only short, but i hope you enjoy it!

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