exposing ourselves :D

17 1 0

~written by Rayven~

Fun facts about us Callaghan siblings and our specific demon species!  And just about demons in our system in general!

• We all have tails that we wag when we're happy, although they kinda move like cat tails normally.

• Our eye color is black, but all of our eyes go black when we're happy or excited.  You know in shows how demons have the entirely black eyes, including the white part that humans have?  It's like that, but it's a good thing!  It means we're excited or just really like you! :D

• There are different kinds of demons in our system, and the different species look different from each other.  For example, Valerie's species has horns and a tail, but we just have a tail.  And her eyes don't go black at all. 

• Different species of demons in our system have different abilites and attitudes.  Most demons in our system are scary and intimidating.

• Our species of demons are looked down upon by other demons in our system, because our species is considered weak and soft.  Our specific species of demon are considered "domesticated" because we tend to be friendlier towards humans, and we're more cuddly instead of scary.  Except we're still terrifying when we're angry, due to us being half-demon half-witch :)

We have a lot of demons in our system, and I'll list them all here:
- Jion
- Jinx
- Rayven (me)
- Crow
- Rowan
- Valerie
- Lucifer
- Lucielle
- Lillith
- Lillian
- Leon
- Lola
- Lila
- Lux
- Riko

In our system, we consider vampires to not be demons exactly, but demonic creatures, which is why Riko is on there, even though she isn't technically a demon.

Most of the people on the list are relatively new, which is why none of you have heard about them.  That, or they just hid themselves from us.  But yeah!  :D


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 06, 2021 ⏰

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