Why he grope

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-Meliodas POV-

I was fighting in the war. I haven't slept in nights and haven't eaten either. That's when it happened. There she stood, before me.

Never did I imagine I would feel these feelings. Expectly not towards a goddess. The joy of having to fight for someone, to protect someone. I finally understood my brother, because he had already found one.

Not paying any attention to what happened around me, I was about to get attacked... but someone saved me. Elizabeth did, we was supposed to be enemies, but she saved me regardless of that. At this point, I was sure of it, I was in love with a goddess.

"Are you okay?! You was about to get hit!" She said tight after we collided on the ground with a loud noise.

"Y-yeah, I'm fine." I said as she got off of me and helped me up.

"I'm Elizabeth by the way, you are?" She asked, making me say "Melio-Meliodas."

"Nice to meet you Meliodas, please, be more safe out there, it is war after all." She said. I nodded and said "Sure."

"Okay, by-" She said and was about to go when I took her wrist. Then I asked "Can we meet again?"

She nodded and said "Meet me at the druids altar. It is a forgotten place."

I nodded before we got back to our positions in the war. Kill everyone on the other side.

Weeks passed and I meet Elizabeth daily. My love growing stronger for every time. For her, I would do anything.

Me and Elizabeth would just leave when she stopped me.

"Hey Meliodas?" She asked. I stopped and asked "Yes?"

"Do you want to meet me at the lake tomorrow instead? It's so beautiful there." She asked. I nodded and said "Sure!" before we flew away home.

I could barely wait to meet her again. Just to be with her would be enough.

As the time come for me to meet her again, I went to the lake. I was walking in the forest that surrounded the lake, not seeing Elizabeth anywhere.

Slowly, I approached the lake and just after I got out of the bushes that was in my way, I saw Elizabeth.

I felt liquid run down from my nose as I stared at her in shock. She was bathing in the lake. Naked!

Suddenly, she turned around to look at me and her face was going from her normal skin colour to red. Blood red.

"M-Meliodas?! You are here already?!" She asked as I tried to make the nose blood stop. It didn't work.

Then she smiled out of nowhere and asked "Why don't you come in too? The water is nice and I need help cleaning my back."

"I-eh?! N-no, I-" I was lost of words. Suddenly, she pulled me in, with clothes and all. I was wet from top to toe.

"Isn't the water nice? Take off your clothes and bath." She said, making me stutter "B-But y-you, I-I-"

"Come on Meliodas, it will be fun, besides, your clothes need to dry now anyway. It won't dry as long as you have it on in the water." She said.

"Um, o-okay." I said and took off my clothes, putting them on the dry ground.

"Great! Water fight!" She yelled and splashed me with water.

"Oh, you are gonna get back for that!" I said and our little water fight started. As it ended, Elizabeth needed help to clean herself and asked "Meliodas? Do you think you could help me cleaning my back?"

"Sure Elizabeth." I said and helped her. As soon it was done, I said "Done!"

"Thank you." I smiled and said "Anytime!"

She smiled back and hugged me tight. Skin to skin. I felt her soft tattas against my chest. When we broke apart, I couldn't help but to wonder, is they soft.

"Hey Elizabeth, it looks so soft, could I touch it?" I asked. She nodded and said "You don't need to ask." as we walked up to dry ourselves. Her wings was totally soaked and it will surely take time for them to dry.

"You sure?" I asked. She nodded and responded with "I promise."

"Thanks." I said and reached my hands to her bobs. Then I squeezed it. Her face immediately turned red and she yelled "Pervert!" while she slapped me.

"But you said I didn't need to ask!" I said and rubbed my cheek where she slapped me. Then she said "I thought you meant my wings!"

"Well, yeah, they look soft, but they are even softer." I said and poked one of her bobs. Her face turning redder.

"M-maybe we should get ready to leave?!" She asked, rushed up and put on her clothes. Then I slowly put on my clothes too.

"And that was how I got permission to groupe Elizabeth!" I said, looking at all the sins who gave me either a surprised or disgusted look.

"You pervert!" Hawk yelled as he was about to roll-hamattack me, but I blocked it.

"Yeah, but that doesn't answer our question." King said, making me ask "What was it again?"

"How old are you?" Gowther asked, making me say "Right, I'm 4345 years old."

Everyone just looked at me weird and nodded. Everyone except one. Elizabeth, she had a blood red face and looked down on her feet. Muttering "That never happened."

Then I asked "Huh? You say something Elizabeth?"

"N-No, everything is alright sir Meliodas!"


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