season 2 episode 19

316 11 1

*y'all end up doing it for 30 mins*
Hazel: that's enough for today lmao
Y/n: ya think 💀💅
*Y'all all go back in the house*
Nick: yo IMA go to bed I'm really tired
Vallyk: ongg
Cohen: frr
*Everyone goes to their rooms. U and Cohen stay downstairs and watch a movie. U get up to get something*
Y/n: bubba ima just go get cranberry juice
Cohen: ight
*U go to get cranberry juice and sit on his lap. U feel him getting hard*
Y/n: baby.......
Cohen: yh 😏
Y/n: ur getting hard lemme help u...daddy 😏 *ub move around teasing him*
Cohen: mamas quit teasing me😩
Y/n: nope *u try to get up but Cohen stops u*
Cohen: uh uh uh u gotta end wht u started ma😏
Y/n: not rn?!?
Cohen: it'll be quick
Y/n: ok 😏😏
*Y'all make out and one thing leads to another ifykyk. Then u see Kenny looking at y'all (Kenny is Cohen's lil brother in the story)*
Y/n: oh shit- *u say putting on ur clothes*
Cohen: ma whts wron- *her turn around to see Kenny and puts on his pants*
Y/n: hey baby boy whts wrong?
Kenny: I can't swlep can I swlep with u guys pwease
Cohen:n- *before he could end his sentence u cut him off*
Y/n: ofc u can baby
Kenny: thwank u ma (he called u that ever since u met him)
Y/n: np baby *u pick him up on the way to u and Cohen's room*
*Kenny sticks his tounge out at Cohen*
Cohen: son of a bitch!!
Y/n: u know y'all have the same dad babe
Cohen: oh well * he walks up the stairs behind u*
*Y'all get to y'all's room*
Y/n: where u wanna sleep baby
Cohen: on the rig-
Y/n: not u my baby boy
Kenny: I wanna sleep in the middle 🤠
Cohen: that's not far he knows I won't be able to sleep with u then. I wanna sleep with u mamas
Y/n:how abt I sleep in the middle?
Kenny: otay
Cohen: *mimicks Kenny* OtAy
*Kenny starts crying*
Kenny: yh cotwhen
Cohen: fuck naw
Y/n: suit ur self *u throw a pillow and a blanket  at him* couch is available
Cohen: no no no plz mamas I swear I'll say sry
Y/n: go on
Cohen: I'm rlly sry bro
Kenny: OtAy I guess🙄
Y/n: lmao that's mah boy
*Y'all get into the bed and ur butt is facing Cohen's d¡ng dong and ur cuddling Kenny*
*Cohens d¡Ng dong got hard again*
Y/n: Coco control ur d¡Ng d!Ng 🙄
Cohen:trying to but I can't thick ma 🤤
Y/n: shut up😩🖤
~~TBC~~ lolll

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