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//rewriting this bc i can do what I wanted to do originally =(

This is probably gonna be long but its okay because it isn't that bad. No one should be reading this anyway its a private journal.

Anyway, my friends and tharapist told me I shoukd attempt journaling so here we are I guess.

I guess punching sexist peices of crap makes people worry about your sanity.

But Jefferson deserved it.

Anyway, Peggy recently came out as gay to the family and it got me thinking.

How do you know when you're attracted to someone? Its always been weird for me.

It's never been something I focused on.

My dad told me I had to 'marry rich' but getting married has never been a priority to me.

I never really wanted it.

It doesn't seem appealing.

Is this normal? Is something wrong with me?

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