Chapter 5

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I peak over the side of the bed to see Wes lying with arms crossed and eyes closed. He refused to go to his room until he knew I was asleep but telling by the soft, steady noise of his breaths he beat me to it. I could tell how concerned he was when I told him I haven't been sleeping. Now I wonder if it was smart of me to tell him. It only adds to what I'm sure is a multitude of other things he worries about. There's not much I can do about it now other than reassure him that I'm fine. But knowing Wes he'll continue choosing the floor instead of a bed if it means I rest. A waste really considering my nightmares chase away any chance of a pleasant sleep whether he's near or not.

Even if the nightmares didn't keep me awake the thought of Ulric and Teilo's words would. The knowledge they had about the attacks didn't sit right with me. Ulric claimed it was just tavern gossip but how could one be sure he was telling the truth? If he was lying, what would the truth be? I'm not sure why it had bothered me so much. Neither of them seem like the kind of people to go around making up stories. Ulric is so kind and generous for letting us stay the night and Teilo is rather charming. But yet, what do I know? We've just met them. The kindness and charm could all be an act to trick us into believing they're good people and then they rob us in the night.

I turn over onto my back and let out a quiet sigh. This is all ridiculous. Rob us? I suppress a laugh at the thought. Am I really so delirious that I'm making up such crazy scenarios?

After a while of lying in bed listening to Wes' soft snores I decide to go downstairs for a glass of water. I sit up carefully, trying not to wake Wes as I stand. The floorboards creak as I walk the length of the small room and hurry out the door as quietly as possible.

I don't expect there to be any one awake given it's the middle of the night but as I turn down the stairs I see light coming from lit candles in the window sills. They burn low giving the room a calm glow. At a table in the far corner of the room I see a figure hunched over a book with a glass of whiskey in hand.

"Up so late?" I ask, startling whoever it is.

Teilo swings his head around, his messy dirty blonde hair falling into his eyes. Quickly, he shuts the book I assume he was reading and stands.

"Oh don't mind me," I say, putting a hand up. "I was just looking for a drink."

He smiles and his shoulders relax slightly. "Water or stronger?"

"Just water, please."

Teilo gestures for me to sit on a stool in front of a counter that he walks behind. As I sit, he ducks down for a moment and comes back up with a glass and water pitcher. Setting the glass down, he pours the water and hands it to me. I swallow down half the glass before he can even fetch his whiskey. The water refreshes me and makes me feel more awake. Teilo grabs his drink from the table he was reading at and comes to sit on the stool next to me.

"What keeps you awake at this hour?" He asks, swirling the liquid around in his cup.

I blink, trying to come up with an answer that isn't confessing my terrible nightmares to this stranger. Because why would I tell him if I can't even tell Wes. My mind is too slow and I'm left looking like a fool with my mouth agape. Teilo only chuckles and looks down at his hands that continue fiddling with his glass.

"I would think you would be tired after all the miles you walked today."

The dark circles under my eyes would agree with him. If only he knew how my whole body ached and how it hurt to walk up the stairs or even just to sit in this chair. I don't doubt my legs will be sore tomorrow.

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