Chris x Sexy Reader

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You make your way out of the bed shared with Chris, and tie your hair back into a messy bun atop your head. Suddenly feeling VERY ill, and dump your stomach contents into the toilet. Chris makes his way over to you,
"Are you OK baby?" he questions
"I don't know." you reply.
Flash forward a few hours, and your waiting for your pregnancy test to come back. Suddenly a second line appears. Your worst nightmare. You're pregnant. NO.
"I want an abortion." you say to Chris
"You can't kill our baby because you where being a slut." He retaliates
"YOU'RE THE FATHER!?" you yell at the man-whore.
"I'M PRO-LIFE!!" he screams.
Chris then begins to pull out a gun, and proceeds to shoot you 73 times." you die because Chris was a trumpie. Rest In Peace Y/N

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