part 7

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Shouko's pov

I was sitting next to ueno who was asleep with high fever
Shouko:should we call doctor?
Sugawara:lets see the update for 2hour and if nothing changes we will call the doctor
I nodded looking at ueno who had wet towel on her forehead
Kageyama:why did she fainted out of sudden?
Sugawara:i don't know but maybe she was worried to much of something..or of someone

I get it..she was worried about ishida..

Sugawara:you guys were talking and did she said something?
I can't tell them that ueno was worried about ishida..i promised her
Shouko:i don't remember of her saying something she was worried about
Sugawara:okey.but,i have a feeling that she is worried about ishida.
Tsukishima:yeah i sawed her crying for ishida hour ago
Sugawara:camon let's go to pra-
??:i-shida ku-n..
We all looked at ueno who was mummbling things as her face was red of fever and her eyes closed shut
Sugawara kneeled next to ueno and put his hand on ueno's forehead
Ueno:don't leave me please ishida..
I also kneeled next to ueno
Sugawara:we have to take her to doctor

At hospital:

I was sitting on the chair which was outside uenos room
Shouko:i hope doctor will not say bad about her health..
He said as lean his back to wall next to door and about that time doctor came out from room.i stood up and walked to doctor
Sugawara:how is she doctor?
Doctor:we gaved her medicine and when she will wake up she will be alright
She smiled as she walked away.sugawara sighed as i sat on the chair again
Sugawara:thank god she is okey
I nodded
Sugawara:so my sister likes ishida..
Shoko:well she did told me about her liking ishida but i promised that i won't tell anybody and i am sorry that i did not say it
Sugawara:its are great friend to ueno even she bullied you so as ishida
I nodded
Shouko:i always wanted to be friends with nao chan
I smiled
Shouko:even she was the one who was throwing my earpieces and maked fun of me
Sugawara:yeah.ooh i remember ueno telling me about that lesson when she didn't get great grade for reading and you did
Sugawara chuckled
Shouko:yeah and after that moment they started bullying me and ueno started hating me about it..


Ueno:"i am sorry,my mother said as i walked o-ut of room"
Ueno read the last sentance with struggle
Teacher:you called that reading?sit down ueno
Ueno rolled her eyes and sat down
Teacher:next nishimiya
Shouko stood up and started reading
Shouko:"i wusn sorrtr,hef musgwl said rt i wycnwl out sf ewgr"
Teacher:great.sit down
Shouko smiled to her self and sat down
Ueno:you gotta be kidding me
Ueno frowned while she looked at ishida after teacher said that it was ishida's turn.ishida looked at ueno and then at the book,he took sigh and started reading
Ishida:"i eydtzj so3gcye,heyxub m3uubds sufj eo e widbro0o dhr ug wudj"
Ueno laughed
She chuckled with the whole class with out shouko and sarah
Teacher:you think thats funny?sit down ishida and we will have a talk after lesson
Ishida sat down and looked at ueno with laugh as ueno smiled

End of flashback:

Sugawara:oh well now you guys are friends for real
I nodded as some hours passes waiting for ueno to wake up,by that we talked and also see ishida who was still in coma but there's a hope he will wake up any day in this the doctor said

Time skip:
3hour skips and finally
Doctor:she is awake and you can see her for 10minutes
The doctor bowed at us with smile and left as me and sugawara walked in the room right away
Shouko:nao chan
I ran to her and hugged as she did the same
Shouko:you had worried us so muchh
Sugawara:especially kageyama
He chuckled
I broke the hug and nodded's ishida??
Sugawara:still in coma but theres chance that he will wake up tomorrow
She sighed as i smiled at myself thinking about them being together
Sugawara:he likes you for sure
He chuckled before holding ueno's hand
Shouko:he knewed it!
I whisper yelled making sugawara and ueno laugh
Sugawara:oh the doctor said that you have to stay here for a day
Ueno:oh mann i had work
Sugawara:ew don't forget about that night after work ueno
He smirked as ueno blushed really hard that she hide her face in my arms while i chuckled.we talked,laughed while kageyama joined us before we left to aperament with out kageyama as he stayed at ueno's room for "safety"

Back to ueno's pov:

It was night as i was in one of the room of hospital with kageyama.he was sitting next to me
Ueno:heard you have been woried about me
I smirked at him
Kageyama:well i was worried because you'r health
I rolled my eyes in disappointment as i remove the hair of my face to look at kageyama
Ueno:you don't worry about hinata's health when you litterally beat him up everytime
Kageyama:well he is worth it
I rolled my eyes again and close my eyes to sleep that i didn't hear the last think kageyama mummbled
Kageyama:and i worry about you....

Next day:

I open my eyes,seeing kageyama sleeping on the chair.i chuckled as i stood and went outside the room to ishida room.i open the door
I was cut off seeing nobody in the room
Ueno:did i get the wrong room?
I walked outside and went in my room seeing kageyama woken up
Ueno:oh hey
Kageyama:hi.he came out from coma and went directly to house
Ueno:i didn-t ca-re
I blushed red as i sat on the bed
Kageyama:yeah whatever
I chuckled at his reaction as i grab my phone to text my brother about ishida
Kageyama:sugawara phone is here ueno-.-
I looked at him and rolled my eyes at him

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