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The next day, Lovino and I met each other outside of the dorm building. We both agreed to get something to eat together, and hopefully I'm able to get to know him more. Kiku and Feliciano were with each other today so I knew that Lovino would be free. "How would we get there?" He asked. "I have a car, no worries" I smiled. He looked at me shocked as I showed him the car key. I gestured for him to follow me, and he did so. "It isn't the fanciest one out there, and I bought it used" I spoke. I laughed a little nervously and gestured to the car.

His eyes widened and he looked like he was about to laugh. My eyes widened and I turned my head to look at him quickly. "What? What's so funny?" I said nervously. Damn, he must think this is pathetic. He held a hand over his mouth and began to laugh hysterically. Hearing his laugh only made me chuckle a little. "What?" I laughed. He quickly calmed himself and looked me in the eye. "It's just..... you are this big muscular guy, and I didn't expect you to be driving this type of car. I guess I was expecting a truck or a fast car."

He continued to laugh and I looked at my car shocked, and to him shocked. Soon, I began to laugh out in joy too. He wasn't laughing that it was a used old car. Thank goodness. "Well, I don't know if you've heard, but 2005 Nissan's are the talk." I spoke laughing. "I'd expect my girly brother to drive this kind of car, not some muscular beef cake of a guy-..."

He paused at what he said and looked to me nervously. I began to laugh at what he said "beef cake?..." I asked with a laugh. His face was turning so red that I couldn't help but smile at it. He was showing me so many emotions! I loved it.  "Let's just go" he laughed nervously. He walked up to the car and got into the passenger seat. I breathed out a bit nervously and did the same, but on the driver side.  I opened the door and sat in the car beside him for a second. "So Let's go to an Italian restaurant.....ummmm..... please don't be a judge, this is American style Italian food" I said nervously.

He looked at me with a shocked face and crossed his arms. "It isn't like I will throw the food around if it isn't to my liking" he spoke. We looked at each other seriously and soon began to burst out laughing. "If you do, I am leaving you behind" I laughed. He began to chuckle as I started the car to drive out of the school parking lot. "If you do, then I will find you and murder you" he spoke.

When we arrived at the restaurant, Lovino kept looking all around. It was like he was a detective inspecting a crime scene. "Let's get a booth" he whispered to me. I let the waitress know and she led us to this table that was a booth. "What can I start you off with?" She smiled. Lovino placed his menu down and looked to the waitress seriously. So much so that it began to scare her. "I want....-.." he began to say a bunch of weird things that I didn't really understand. Even the waitress was confused and we both looked to him scared. "And that will be all...." he spoke. The waitress nodded slowly and looked to me terrified. "Ummmm.... I'll have the same thing he said" I laughed nervously.

He was going on about pasta, but cussed in between when clarifying what he wanted on it and how he wanted it done. This isn't subway.... why is he even trying to customize the pasta? He didn't even look at the menu all the way before he started to order. It was kind of intimidating that he was so forward like that. As if he would be able to realize he hates me and tell me to my face in the most scary way possible.

I looked at him slowly and he gave me this awkward smile. "Sorry, but I expect good food" he smiled at me in this evil way. "Well... that was definitely one way to do it" I laughed. I leaned my cheek on the palm of my hand and released a huge breath. "You are so tough all the time, I feel that at any moment you will just chew me up and spit me out. Why is it that you are that way. So tough? Were you raised that way? Or maybe you taught yourself to be that way? I just want to know everything."

His face was soft and his lips began to part slowly. "If you don't like it then so what, why do I have to-..." he paused when I looked at him suddenly. I looked into his eyes to see how he actually felt. He stopped talking once I did that and I knew that it was just a tactic to push people away.... so he wouldn't get hurt. "Why are you looking at me that way?" He asked shocked. "Is that how you really feel?" I asked. He looked nervous and as he couldn't speak.

"Don't look at me that way, it makes me nervous" he tried to defend. "Well, answer me" I said softly. He began to look away nervously and he turned back slowly. "I just think it is useless to try and get close to someone, knowing that the friendship won't last long. It has always been that way, so I am done amusing the thought" he spoke. He had this fear of making connections, as well as attachment issues. What could I even do for him that would make things better? Reassurance? I wasn't sure what he needed to hear or wanted me to say to make things better.

Prince Lovino(Germano) Where stories live. Discover now