The First Time

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Seattle Grace hospital was always buzzing, rushes of patients coming in and out the doors everyday, staff, interns, residents, attendings all rushed off their feet to play their part to keep the well oiled machine running. Of course no one ever wants to lose a patient, the aim is to treat them and keep them alive but sometimes they're already far gone into the white light before they even make it through the doors. Although it's not always doom and gloom, and least not from the view of Arizona Robbins. She's quirky, happy, bubbly, some say she's full of rainbows but really she's just full of hope. She rides around the hospital wearing different pairs of 'wheely sneaks' each day, like a beacon of light travelling through the dark. She was still rather new to Seattle Grace, she worked as the attending on the paediatric floor looking after all sick kids and poorly babies. Some would find her job extremely hard, seeing sick kids every day is a hard thing to do, but for her, she's the perfect fit. She has hope.

It had been almost 2 months and Arizona was still living out of a suitcase in a hotel close by to the hospital. In her work life she was extremely organised and put together but when it came to her personal life she wasn't so organised. The move to Seattle was sudden, she'd recently broken up with her ex girlfriend of a few years and suffered the loss of her brother who died serving in the army. She felt like she needed a complete change of scenery. She'd cut her hair into a short blonde wavy bob since joining the hospital and was catching the eyes of quite a few people, just not the right people. Sometimes after work she'd laugh to herself about all the male attention she'd receive in a day and often considered sewing a patch to her lab coat that said "I'm a lesbian" but it only ever stayed a thought.

She had been working closely with one of the residents, DR Alex Karev, she'd seen a great potential in him to be her fellow next year, he'd had a lot of experience working on the obstetric ward in his intern year alongside DR Addison Montgomery, and through his hard outer shell was a kind and caring doctor, who had a soft spot for taking care of sick kids. Arizona hadn't really met any of the other residents or attendings other than Alex, DR Bailey and chief Webber, she'd been left alone to work the paediatrics ward, well until today. She'd been paged to the pit, also known as the ER. Which was new to her, in this hospital at least. She'd been paged to do a consult on a 7 year old girl who had fallen off of her bike. "Follow the light on my pen for me, that's it" she said with a smile. The patient's ABC looked good so she turned to another doctor who was standing beside her, "do you know who the orthopaedic surgeon is on call, DR Torres" she read the name off of her lab coat. "That would be me, DR Calliope Torres, orthopaedic surgeon, I heard about this case and that her arm got pretty messed up in the fall so I came right away, DR Robbins, is it'' Arizona blushed, "oh yes of course, I'm Arizona Robbins, I'm the attending on the paeds department, I'm going to check up on my patient upstairs, page me once the scan comes back and I can assist in surgery". She smiled and walked away swiftly.

The elevator stopped and Arizona rushed off to find Karev, he was gathering notes for a patient who was waiting for a kidney transplant, she managed to catch him in the hallway and drag him into the nearest store cupboard, " hey hey Robbins I like you and all but we're not doing the dirty in a store closet, I'm passed that now", she blushed again, "shut up Karev I'm gay and what do you mean passed that no i-, oh never mind look do you know someone called ca-cal, DR Torres" she looked at him with a pleading face, "oh yeah, Callie, she's great, not into men either as it happens, 007 turned her off, well she casually hooks up with Mark Sloan but they're basically brother and sister so its a bit strange, why?" He looked puzzled, Arizona was thinking, she couldn't stop thinking, other than the fact that she could even remember her name, Callie's face was a picture in her mind, "well I just spoke to her like she was an intern asking for the ortho surgeon, not knowing she was the ortho surgeon and who's 007, actually I don't care, will she think I'm weird or rude, I'm not rude right?" A million questions at once as always,but Alex was used to it. "Nah Callie's cool, she gets it, why are you so worried do you like her or something?" he asked, "no" yes. She replied, "even if I did she won't think much of me now" she looked down, "well Robbins I've got work to be doing so can I go", "oh yes go, go" he left her in the store cupboard, she pondered for a few moments and then left herself, she too had other jobs she could be doing rather than worrying about the opinion of someone who she'd just met.

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