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Welcome to 'Save Me'

Before you read, there are a few warnings I need to put.
If you are easily triggered by any of the subjects mentioned,
please exit this story.

Self harm
Eating disorders (starving + purging)
Mentions of suicide/death

If you get triggered by any of these, please leave the story
and take care of yourself.
I do not want anyone to hurt themselves by reading this story.

Please be sensible and evaluate if you're okay to read this.
You have been warned so I will not be taking responsibility if you get triggered.

This story is a work of fiction. I do not own BTS or any pictures of them used.





Namjoon is struggling. The pressures of the next album are slowly crushing him, his new 'diet', his new 'artwork'. Why hasn't anyone noticed? He is at his breaking point. Starving, aching, lonely. Yet he still puts up a front, he can't let anyone see him weak. If they see him as weak, his career would be over. At least, that is what Namjoon believes. Will anyone notice him before it's too late?





I hope that you enjoy this story!

Bye :)

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