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190105 - GDA

If destiny was really a thing, then Wheein thought that Taehyung and her must be destined to fall for each other but unfortunately not destined to be together. They were like parallel lines that had a lot in common but never met. Or maybe they were like crossed lines, met once and then drifted apart forever. Whichever it was, it was tragic.

So when she twisted her ankle and news about her injury was everywhere on the internet but he still hadn't called, she knew she had no rights to be sad. She wanted to scold herself for even having that thought of him still caring about her. She was the one who denied their fate (if they had any) and pushed him away, why was she the one hurting now?

And that thought made her unable to believe in her eyes when he did call after GDA. She blinked twice at her phone when she saw the name on the screen. Taehyung was really calling her. In the middle of the night, she might add.

Her fingers trembled when she pressed the green button, "Hello?" She could feel her heart beating so loud as if it would break her ribcage any minute.

"Wheein... It's me." She released a breath that she didn't know she was even holding when she heard his raspy voice again. Okay, it was no doubt him.

"Yeah I know, Tae..." She hesitated for a moment then quickly added the rest of his first name, "...hyung. Why are you calling at this time?" She noticed he also hesitated when calling her name too. They were not in the positions to be calling each other by pet names any more.

"I thought you wouldn't perform today?" He asked as if he hadn't heard her question.

"Yeah but I promised my fans so I couldn't let them down." She shrugged as a habit even though he could not see it.

"Are you okay?"

"Yes, I'm fine. Or else I wouldn't have performed. My doctor said that everything was good so I performed while sitting down just to be sure. My health was even good enough for me to fly to Vietnam a few days ago, so don't... worry." Wheein felt like she was giving too much information that he might not care about at all. But at least he cared about her well-being, and just that was enough to make her happy.

"Okay." She could hear his muffled sigh through the phone. What was troubling him so much? They fell into silence after that, both not knowing what to say to each other but at the same time not wanting to hang up. Her free hand fidgeted uneasily for a bit and eventually she decided to break the awkward silence.

She gathered up her courage and called his name like how she had used to, "Tae."

"Yes?" He answered immediately, as if he had been waiting so long for her to call his name like that.

"Nothing, just want to hear you say something." The words slipped out of her lips so naturally that she couldn't control it. So she just let her thoughts slide all out, "Thought I forgot your voice, turned out I didn't. I recognized it right away when you said hello."

"Yeah? And not because my name was on your screen? Or have you deleted my number? Which also meant that you didn't even remember it and only remembered my voice." He asked cheekily and they both laughed at his sudden joke. She had always loved his humour.

"Yup, just so you know, I didn't delete your number so uh, that too." His cute laugh filled her ears again, making her laugh too. Then suddenly he said her name in a serious tone of voice.


She bit her lower lip to stop laughing and replied with a "Hmm?"

"I can't be there to take care of you any more so please pay attention to your health. Don't get hurt, it broke my heart." His words sounded rushing and she could only utter "Copy that!" before he whispered his goodbye and hung up.

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