You where born as a villain as the son of the number 1 Villain in the world. Your dad sends you to UA and you have to pretend that you are good and become the traitor that makes UA have dorms. When you meet Bakugou and become friends with him you st...
[Y/N] Pov As you got home you opened she door and walked in. You noticed there wasn't really anyone here until you heard a voice. "Oh Welcome back [Y/N]" Kurogiri said as he walked out of the kitchen. "Oh hey Kurogiri" [Y/N] said as you closed the door. Then out if no where something jumped on you making you fall onto the ground. You started to giggle while the thing that jumped onto you is licking your face. You looked up and your eyes widen to see this.
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You sat up. "Whats this about?" [Y/N] asked. "Well we all thought since you have been doing a great job we decided to get you something" Kurogiri said. A small smile appeared on your face on your got up. "Well thank you" [Y/N] said. "Your welcome [Y/N]" Kurogiri said. You got up as you walked to your room as your new pet followed you. Once you got to your room you opened up the door as you let your dog in first then walked in after and closed the door. You sat down on the floor as you looked at your dog.
"Hmm what should I name you?" [Y/N] said. You thought for awhile and thought of something. "Oh! How about [P/N]!" [Y/N] said. [P/N] jumped up on you happy. "Ok [P/N] it is then!" [Y/N] said. Your mind then wondered to The Explosion Boy. There's something about him that you just don't understand yet. He caught your attention some how and there something there but you can put your finger on it. And his reaction to when you kissed him was even better. You smirked. "His face was so red after that. But theres something I need to figure our about him" [Y/N] said as you pet [P/N] as she was laying down by you. You wonder how your gonna figure this out so you just decided to find a way to get closer to the Ashy Blonde. The rest of the day you thought of a plan and played with [P/N] until it was dinner time. After dinner you feed [P/N] since Kurogiri already got the things you needed. You left your door open so [P/N] could come back in If she wanted to. You founded out she was a girl by asking Kurogiri. You decided to do your work before going to bed and setting up and area for [P/N] to sleep. Once you were done you went to bed as [P/N] came inside of your room a lay down in the spot you set up.
To be continued• Happy Valentine's Day! And its not a special but here's a chapter! Hope y'all like this chapter and see y'all in the next one!