Diagon Alley

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There she was. Ginny Weasley, your best friend. But why do you feel this way. It's like your guts are wormy and squirmy. Hermione would know.......
You get up out of your bed. Next you walk downstairs to the kitchen in No. 12 Grimauld Place. You over hear Molly Weasley yelling at Fred and George Weasley for apparaiting everywhere.
"Morning Mini Moony" Sirius Black, your dad says to you. "Morning, hey 'Mione could we talk upstairs please" you say smiling. "Oh well, of course" she reply's following you up the stairs to the dark drawing room in the Black Family home. " Hermione! I have a serious problem.....I think I'm sick!" You call out, scared. "What! What's going on with you!" She replied, clearly worried. "Well it's like every time I see G- I mean someone" you bushed " my stomach gets all squirmy" you waited in silence for a moment, "Is it maybe like there are... butterflies in your stomach" Hermione said slyly. "Well yeah it's exactly like that, thanks 'Mione" you said as a small smile flitted across your heavily scarred face. "Wait!" You called as Hermione turned to leave, "Why does it feel like that, and why is it only when I'm around a certain person?" Hermione looked as though she didn't know how to break the news to me, "You like that person as more than a friend, it's like a crush. You maybe feel nervous around them or happy and whatever but you have feelings for them unlike any other," she said. "Wow! Ok cool, thank you" you said. Before you realized it Hermione was half way out the door, "you coming?" She asked, "I'll just be a minute" you said "go on ahead without me"

Woah, you forgot how incredible Diagon Alley was. There were just so many shops and so little time! After begging Molly profusely she agreed to let Ginny and you explore alone for one whole hour. You first went into a quidditch shop, the both of you loved to play quidditch. Ginny was a good seeker and you were an ok keeper, well you were more than ok you were incredible. "Look! A new fire bolt model!" Ginny said, smiling like a toddler, " personally I like the model from 2 years ago" she finished "Yeah me too, I just love the models that go fast so I can block every attempt at a goal" you said. A large man walked passed you, pushing you so that your lips were seconds away from Ginnys. There it is! You thought, the butterfly feeling Hermione talked about! "Merlin" you said aloud, stepping away from Ginny and blushing. "What's up?" Ginny said. "What! Nothing!" You said with a nervous chuckle. You broke the silence by saying "Let's um check out Feorge and Greds shop! I mean Gord and Fredge! I mean... oh forget it" Ginny laughed. And there it was again! The butterflies and nervousness! You love your best friend!

Ah Shit

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