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Work pt2

ADRI ! My bossed shouted

Yes james?

"Theres a man upstairs that wants a private "dance" from you"

Huh no . I never said i would do dances .. i dont even dance .

Is that back talk ms. Smith? His eyebrows knitted together

No... (yes the fuck it was)

Good! , You look sexy by the way , he winked and walked away

the look of disgust covered my face

I made my way to the room

"you must be Adriana"

Yes .. im adri , i stated correcting him

( i hated when people especially from the club says my real name)

Sit , he demanded as he tapped the seat next to him

I thought you wanted a dance?

"My mind changed, now sit please Adriana"

I would appreciate it if you called me adri , i rolled my eyes as I sat down in front of him crossing my legs.


Do you know Elijah valentino

No i dont know an "Elijah"

( have i heard of him? Yes but that wasn't the question)

He comes here most of the time , in that booth downstairs

Listen "sir" i dont know him and i sure as hell dont know you , so why are you asking me questions.

" you never went in that booth ?"

( cant he take a fucken hint)

No , i just hand out drinks and walk around. I sighed

Alright. You can go Adriana smith

( thats when it hit me ... he was a detective)

I looked back at him and walked out the room

( its not my job to tell others about the people who set foot into this club so i sure as hell wasn't going to lose my job over dumb questions)

(ion wanna make the beginning tooo long , i wanna get into the storyy!! , update :im changing their last name )

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