Beginning (S13, Ep 1)

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"Happiness comes in all sorts of ways."-me

"Y/n. What is this?"

"It's nothing."

"It's not nothing. You know you're worthless. I mean you drew a painting about a stupid show? -chuckles- No wonder your father left. Oh yeah that's right. He's, dead. And it's all your fault."

"Mom, how could you say that? You know I would be better off living there!" I start to cry as I run upstairs to my room.

As I was finishing up packing my stuff so I could leave my awful mother I see this orange light thing. That's when I touch it, and I end up on a road and the light disappeared.

A little bit later I talk to myself while sitting on the road, which I know, is very stupid of me, but tight now I just can't handle it.

"How could she say that to me? I mean- -oh no, a black car. That's not good."

"-gets out of car- Miss? You need to get of the road, so we can move. Hey, kiddo are you alright?"

"-thinks of lie- I was just running from vampires. and with all the hunting and my mom, it's just so hard."

"You're a hunter? But why? At this age."

"Look, I get it. But can you just leave me alone."

"Hell no, you're coming with me. You can't be hunting all by yourself."

So Dean let's me in the passenger seat and I see a tall man in the front while Dean gets in the car and starts driving. I was trying to stay calm because i see Dean Winchester, I mean the most handsome gorgeous man played by my celebrity crush.

"Dean, what are you doing?"

"This girl says she was running from vamps. She's a hunter like us. So we're going to take her with us."

"Now, we still got the holy oil, right?"

"For what?"

"Um, sir."

"It's Dean."

"Rigjt Dean. Why do we need holy oil?"

"For this kid. His name's Jack. His father is Lucifer."

"So? Just because his father is evil doesn't mean the kid will be. You know, no one's born evil."

"-scoffs- So you're defending him?"

"Yeah, because no one is born evil."

"Yes he is! You know what? Fine. Be like Sammy."

"And that's a bad thing?"

"No. I'm sorry. I'm just frustrated."

"Yeah, I get it. Oh crap."

"What is it?"

"My mom's trying to call me. Hello?"

"Where are you?"

"With Sam and Dean, why?"

"You know their not real, right? Just your stupid little imagination."

"Mom, don't say that."

"Y/n, I swear..."

"-takes phone- Alright, now you listen to me. It's the real me, right here, right now." Dean saying with a smirk on his face, but not an evil one.

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