𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟐

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    “A hotel for two, if you will. My partner will not be arriving as of right now, but if you could be patient and wait a few minutes he’s sure to appear.” They looked up into the eyes of the hotel desk clerk, stare boring into her soul as a smirk curled viciously onto their lips. “You wouldn’t mind walking me to my room, would you? Be a darling for me.”

    There was a clear hesitance in her step, a voice whispering at her greater-being to kindly reject the stranger. But the more they looked, the more they grinned at her, she slowly took her hand into their own and led them on their way. She knows it’s a mistake, but their aura is so alluring, so intoxicating, she barely takes the time to register the sage green crystal hanging from their next. It rings a faint bell in the back of her mind, something calling her, warning her to stay away. Their grip was painfully deadly, and she thanked the gods above that it was on her hand and not the slimness of her throat.

    They both finally reached the maroon door of their hallway. Pulling out a nearly bronze key from her pocket, she put it in his doorknob and twisted until there was a click. She stepped aside in hopes to let them slip through the door, hoping they would disappear into the shadows and never come out, hoping they would rot dead. But she was met with a rough chest to her back, the crystal carving a mold.

    “You’ve heard of me, have you not? Don’t think I'll let your pretty little body slip away so easily. So please, save us both the distress, and kindly walk into my room. I don’t mind sharing.” Their voice trickled down her neck in hushed breaths and she shivered at the feeling, shrinking in on herself. Sage Atticus. The name at last reminded her of the danger she was truly in in their presence. She should’ve stopped the second she saw the crystal, she should’ve rejected their offer at the desk when she saw the green glow in their eyes. But she was already falling for them, already allured by their power. She was a fool.

    “Com on now, pretty thing. In you go.” With a rather rough shove, she found herself stumbling into the expanse of the hotel dorm, darkness swarming around them both the deeper they went in. The interior design was one of the best they had- and it makes sense why they would be the one to buy it. It was expensive, more than she thought was necessary, but every once in a while someone would buy it and the money went to her. She guilt-tripped most of the other employees into agreeing to this share, some still try to get money out of her. But at the end of the day, they all knew she needed the money more than any of them. She was a young lad, frail and tan throughout. She survived off of hotel loans and convenience store foods. What they didn’t know was that she had more than enough money saved up from two years straight to buy a new house. She could practically buy this hotel if she wanted to. But there was something about having money, just to have, that excited her, as it would for anyone. She told no one this secret though.

    “I know exactly what you’re thinking, doll. Tell me, why do you think I’ve chosen you? I could’ve gone for anyone in here. But I specifically chose you. I hope you don’t think it’s because of your looks, because I could care less. Your inner personality is rotten- don’t think I don’t know that.” They circled slowly around her. “I know more about you than you know of yourself” They whispered the last bit just beside her ear, tone biting and cold. A hand tangled into her hair and snapped her head back, a sharp grasp emitting from her throat as her eyes squeezed shut in pain.

    “Why are you so selfish?” They shoved their knees into her under thigh, her legs buckling under the sudden force.

    “This hotel room was rather expensive- a waste of my fucking money if you ask me. Tell me, where is all of this money going to go? A charity? To your co-workers?” They bent down to her level, a frown so low and wide it was terrifying, hands trembling as they fiddled in her lap. Their crystal was hanging just in front of her eyes, glowing a deep, sage green. It was hypnotizing, hand reaching to grab it before she could think about it. It burned, scorched in her palm and vibrated.

    “You’re a fool.” They hissed and her hand began to fade, eyes wide and full of fear. The rest of her body slowly follows after as they lift their body from the ground, dusting off their outfit and straightening their tie as they step out.

    The hotel is particularly empty today, a comfortable silence washing over the place like a protective dome. It wasn’t everyday there weren’t horny teenagers stuffing themselves with each other's tongues and hastily renting rooms. Moments like those- Sage envied them. They didn’t know the pleasure of being in love, the pain of your first time. They didn’t grow up with that option. Having the crystal forced upon them was a tough decision- but that’s a story for another time.

    Their phone rang in their pocket, an email lightening the screen.

    “Hey Atti!!! <3”

     Their eyes zeroed in on the, rather excessive, use of exclamation marks.

       Owen Gray.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 16, 2021 ⏰

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