Chapter 4:true power

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Android 21 pov

I looked over the battle field and already only goku, vegeta, cell, frieza, gohan, majin buu, and krillin were the only ones left up. King had already taken out about half of them without trouble then he spoke.

King:"those of you left standing you are the ones that can fight me though one of you its surprising." He spoke has he looked at krillin which even he seemed shock he is still up

King left his hands at his sides and he looked at them ready for the fight, he simply nodded and goku and krillin were the first to charge goku still in base. King flys back dodging krillin the blocking goku the two kept up their attack but krillin was kicked away into goku.

Vegeta was next to attack followed by gohan. Both kept trying to hit but compared to the team work of goku and krillin they stood no chance and were knocked down both were in base then king spoke.

King:"you will never beat me in base stop holding back." This time king was the one to attack rushing buu only for buu to be thrown away by his leg.

Cell was hit down and frieza was pummeled more then the others but was knocked next to cell.

King:"if this is all you have i'm disappointed. He landed next to me and his eyes softened again when he looked at me but he looked back at the

King:"now stop holding back and show me what you are truly made of." Frieza, goku, Vegeta, gohan, and cell all stood back up and powered up or transformed to there highest forms.

Goku:"now its your turn king, show us what you got."

King:"this form is enough to beat you all you might be able to push me to full power in first form though. You gohan I see you've have had your potential unleashed by the kais well done." All of them seemed stunned that king knew about the kais.

Vegeta:"stop holding back or are you scared that you will loss if go full power and is just holding back to seem stronger."

King:"so you really want to see me at my highest form, fine I will shoe you that you are no where close to my power." His eyes were serious it was kinda scary seeing him like that.

The battle field was quite but if you focused you could feel kings energy slowly rising more and more until.

King:"AH!" There was a huge explosion of energy and everyone fell to there knees unable to stand because of the pure energy in them area.

King:"this is my full power if you can't even stand you would die in a matter of seconds." The energy flowing around him was so dense no one could even see what he looked like but he drop back to what he was before.

Cell:"how is that possible?!" King simply smiled and looked at him.

King:"because I have a reason to fight something two of you lack while the sayians have families and friends to protect, nothing push's you harder then to have a reason to fight. Now no more talking come at me."

They all stood up but cell who seemed to have lost the spirit to fight, everyone laughed at king who now they are giving a good fight but cell seemed so defeated.

Cell pov

That's impossible I am the perfect being no one can be stronger than me, this isn't real its a trick by the wretch.

No pov

Cell raised his head and looked at 21 and spoke.

Cell:"her, its her fault this all is happening and she will die by my hand." His contorted to a horrible smile and he stood up and charged a kamehameha

Android 21 pov

I was watching the fight and smiling seeing king enjoy the battle but then a blur light filled the battle but everyone was fighting king... Except I quickly spin around to see cell fire a kamehameha at me.

Cell:"DIEEEEEEEE!!!" The blast came roaring at me and I was frozen my body wouldn't move, this is it i am sorry I couldn't tell you how I feel.

I closed my eyes and braced but the blast never came. When i opened my eyes I couldn't believe it king was trying to stop the blast with his bare hands.

King:"21 get out of here now!" He was losing ground he was too off guard to stop It right until.

King:"KAIOKEN!!!" A red aura formed around him as he began push making the blast collapse in on its self but its doesn't explode.

King just keeps making the end of the beam smaller and smaller until it was no bigger then the end of my finger. Cell kept feeding more and more energy into them blast until he stopped and fell to on knee and king spoke.


King held his hand forward and the once small ki ball erupted into a blue, purple, and red beam that was sent flying at cell. No one was going to help cell not even goku at this point they all could feel if they got in the way of that blast they would be killed. It collided with cell he tried to stop it but its was far too strong and he was consumed by the beam as it shot off into the sky. Not a single bit was left of him nothing to regenerate from. King then looked up at the others fighters and spoke.

King:"this battle is over i've won." He powered down and vanish then appeared in my face with a look of worry on his face. I jumped a little bit he spoke.

King:"are you ok 21?" I couldn't speak i was too stunned but i managed to nod. He hugged me out of no where infront of everyone.

King:"good." He sounded so relived that I was ok but time seemed to slow down and I could hear a voice.

???:"he has some much power he looks yummy." I was terrified I was fighting this urges to feed for days now and it finally came back.

Inside 21's mind

Good 21:"no I won't let you touch him!" The evil me just stares at me then speaks.

Evil 21:"what cam you do to stop me, I had control for so long before until he came and you pushed me back down! And now i'm starving!" I didn't know what to do I couldn't fight her I wasn't strong enough.

I didn't want king to have to fight me but I didn't have time to think the evil me blew me away with a ki blast and I lost control.

Back in the outer world.

No pov

King was still hugging 21 and goku spoke.

Goku:"lets talk then you have won this time." Frieza looked passed but he knew he didn't stand a chance on hid own.

But before king could respond 21's eyes turn their evil colors (red and black) and she gut punch king while his guard was down making him cough. He slowly fell over unconscious from the sudden attack but he managed to speak a few words.

King:"dammit I let my guard down, I saw it within you... but did nothing, I am sorry 21." He hit the guard with a thud and all the others fighters jumped forward and Vegeta shouted.

Vegeta:"If she absorbs king there will be no stopping her, quick defend king."

Hey guys I hoped you enjoyed this chapter and sorry for the slight cliff hangar but anyways have a good day/night everyone and remember

The dragon king will return

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 13, 2021 ⏰

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