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Draco knew it would happen one day, he would be called into the once familiar library of his childhood home and have his loyalty tested.

Draco had tortured before. He took no pleasure in it but knew it would be him or the stranger. He let them die in pain. The toll of the misery he had caused weighed on his shoulders like boulders.

Draco was a boy who had been raised with a different kind of neglect. His parents would leave him for hours and hours, forcing the small child to make messes and scream for attention. The hatred burned cold in the huge empty manor.

Harry's abuse was hot. The hate from his family burned through his skin like his uncles cigars. Where Draco begged for any kind of attention, Harry learned to hide away from it.

Hey guys sorry for not posting recently.
I was listening to Pompei by Bastille and the inspiration for this fic just snapped into my head.

Love, respect, and gay vibes to you all


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