I have to tell you something

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Okay I don't really have much to say today but Merry Christmas ,so lets get on with the story...oh and tell people about the story..ard here we go



Cassie: yeah cause prod would have-

Prod: I would have done what? ( he said walking in with the others)

(End of recap)

(Cassie p.o.v)

Me:(run to prod and hug him) hey bro I missed you (look to the other guys) wassup y'all

Roc: what up girl (going to give her a hug)

All the boys hit roc in the arm again( poor little roc) and give him the you-so-slow face.

Roc: owwww why y'all always hitting me

Prod:(ignore roc's comment) what you have to tell me Cassie?

Me: nothing I just missed you (Jacob look at her a gave her the mental talk)

Their mental convo.

Jacob: why you not telling him

Cassie:it's not a good time

Jacob: you promised me

Cassie: I promised that I would tell him before tour..which is two day away ;)

Jacob: oh you gonna use that ..okay remember that :)

Cassie: ard let's stop this before they notice

End convo.


Me: huh.?

Prod: I been callin you for like 2 minutes

Me: oh ummm...(should I just tell him...look over to Jacob and he's shaking his head yes) can I just tell you later

Prod:yeah you better..anyway we going go-cart riding you coming?

Me: yeah

Prod: you coming Jacob ( he said walking over their giving him dap)

Jacob: sure thing

Jawan: ard y'all lets go

~at the go-cart place~

Me: ooh you can go in pairs

Ray: ill go with you ;)

Prod: you need to stop coming at my baby sis

Me: I'm not a baby I'm 17

Prod: so what I'm older so that makes you my baby sis

Me: but you only a couple minutes older

Prod: so what

Me: any way who riding with me ( I said looking a Jacob)

Diggy, Jawan , Ray: I'll ride with you

Roc: me too

Me: ummm ( look over at Jacob, aww he jealous)

Prod: I should smack all of y'all....Cassie just go by your self

Me: Jacob do you want to ride with me

Jacob: c'mon ( he said with a smile)

Diggy,Jawan ,Ray,Roc: (they all have the mad look on their face,but is so cute)

Prod: (has the hell no look on his face) HELL NO look Jacob you my bro in all but I will cut your d-

Me: PROD ....let me talk to you for a minute

They walk to the side.

Prod: what?

Cassie: ummm...I have a boyfrie-


Okay guy that's all for now..sorry I took so long but it's not like I'm getting any love on this story...but anyway I still need characters so comment if you want to be in the story. Sorry it's short

Merry Christmas

*Mindless fact of the day*

Princeton and ray ray are 16 ...so January 6 ray will be 17.. And prod turning 16 tomorrow. 😀I'm actually happy that they are older then they said because now people can't say that I'm to old to like them..I'm 17 by the way

You know you love me (Ray x Prodigy and Cassie x Jacob Latimore)Where stories live. Discover now