Never said it'd be easy..

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Josie and Hope were in college and were having a rough week being apart. They'd argue about small things and when it came down to spending actual time together, hope would blow Josie off. I'm sure you can imagine that Josie isn't very happy about that.

"Josie! I don't understand what the big fucking deal! It's not like you don't know where I am right now!" Hope said to Josie during their argument.

"What the hell do you mean you don't understand!!? You should have your location on at all times no matter where you are!! I'm your girlfriend.." the last part Josie said with hurt in her voice.

"I just want you to trust me! Is that too much to ask for Jesus Christ!! Yk what!!? I'm totally done with this conversation, it's getting no where!" Hope began to grow tired of arguing.. she just wanted to be with her babygirl.

Well fine then! Have it your way! It's obvious that some other girl has all of your time and you don't give a damn about me so yk what!?? I'm DONE!!when you're ready to show me some love and appreciation.. yk where to find me.. Josie started to cry as she abruptly hung the phone up.

"Josette wait I'm sor-" just as Hope tried to apologize for her behavior, her lover had already gone. "I'm sorry..."

When they were together it was rare that they argued, yeah maybe they had little arguments about who got to pick the movies they watch or what they were going to have for dinner, but it has never been this bad. Hope and Josie are literally inseparable, just like any other typical lovers. 

Hope hated that Josie thought that she would ever cheat on her, she's cried so many times that she loft count. It's been three days since they've talked and quite frankly.. hope missed her favorite girl.

Josie was no better, crying about how come Hope didn't care as much to see their problems anymore. Hope has called her girlfriend nonstop but Josie's been too afraid to answer.

As the rest of the week went by they still hadn't talked this monstrosity out amongst each other and it was literally killing them.

Hope decided that enough was enough and decided to get her girl back. Hope called one last time before heading to her girlfriend.

"Jo, I know you're getting my calls and texts.. baby I miss you and I really need you.. just please let me explain.. I love you Josette, just please call me back so I can explain." Hope ran to her car and immediately got on the road to see her lover.. good thing it's a short drive.

Josie barely left her room at all, not eating or sleeping.. just thinking about hope and all the things they said to each other. She noticed the last call hope made to her and decided to ignore once again. She looked at her phone and said out loud to herself..

"Huh, you think you can just hurt my feelings and call me a few times and expect me to be all over you!!? Well I'm not and I meant it I'm so done being at your disposal! No matter how much I miss you..." after her rant she decided to get under the covers and go for nap.

Hope was finally at Josie's school but she didn't want to come empty handed to apologize to her girlfriend because that just wrong. So Hope left the college and decided to get a few things to show how much she missed and loved her girlfriend.

Josie woke up from her nap and decided to take a shower to get cleaned up. She was done caring about something that the other person in her life thought was just trivial to them.

Hope finally go back with all Josie's favorite things and had a every in place to knock on her lover's door and tell her how much she means to her.

Hope got to Josie's door and immediately knocked.. nervous could not describe the way she felt at the moment. It's almost like everything was in slow motion.

Josie was still in her towel when she heard knocking, dreading going to her front door because she really didn't want to be bothered by anyone. She answered the door and she was immediately in shock.

"H-Hope what the heck are you doing her?..." Josie said with confusion and happiness because of seeing all the stuff.

"C-Can I come in??" Seeing Josie in a towel made her miss one other thing about her girlfriend... how beautiful her body was.

"Sure.." Josie said sounding a bit agitated

"Look I know you probably hate me and you have every right to. I know I said some really idiotic things that hurt my baby but I swear to you Josette Olivia Saltzman.. there is NO other girl out there for me than you. You are my happily ever after, my lover, my best friend, my always and forever, and I need you. I can't function without you being by my side, I don't know how to be who I am without you because you helped me find who I truly am in the first place. So please Jos.. take me back.. I need you baby, please? At this point, they were both crying, trying to hold back tears but eventually failed. "I- I promise to be hear no matter what! I'll take you out on dates more! J-Just please say som- Hopes speech is interrupted by a mind blowing kiss by her beautiful girlfriend that she missed oh so much.

"Promise me you'll never make me feel like this ever again?.. I felt so closed off and alone that I couldn't tell if that was your way of finally breaking my heart."

"I promise babygirl.. I promise just don't leave me, Hope said."

"I couldn't if I tried my love" Josie and Hope began to giggle through their tears and kissed like normal lovers do.

A few hours later Josie and Hope were in her bed after mind blowing sex just staring off into space as Josie drew nonsense on Hope's bare chest.

After a few seconds Hope began to speak.


"Yes baby?"

"I know this might sound crazy but just hear me out okay?.." Hope said. Josie was starting to get nervous and lifted her head up just to look hope in the eyes.

"Okay but baby you're scaring me.. what is it??" Josie said with a worried voice.

"What if I.. transferred here next semester?... I mean we'd be together and it would be more convenient for me to be here given their Arts program has already begged me to switch.. sooo.. what'd you think babe?"

Josie was so freaking happy in this moment, Hope is staying for good, they can be together!

"Yes! Please, I really don't want to be without you anymore!"

"Then it shall be done, my love".

Let me know what you think babes😬

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