Whisper of the Forest

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Chapter 1

On his long way back home, he decided to rest because he felt tired, so he sat on the bench at the park and closed his eyes for a while. Then he opened his eyes and found himself in an unknown place. There is no one around, dark place, at first glance, it looks like a large forest full of dense and old trees.  Signs of astonishment and anxiety began to show on his face, and his mind began to sink into thinking. How? Where? Why? 
He didn't find any answers to his many questions, he couldn't stand on his feet from the controlled anxiety, but he decided to stand up, hoping to find anything can help to answer his questions.
He starts to walk step by step on the road, and with every step he takes, he can hear a whisper coming from all directions. His heart starts to sound like a ticking clock. He didn't know what to do, but he kept walking despite hearing these sounds.
The more he walked, the louder whisper he can hear, the signs of fear began to appear. The whispers stopped when he stopped suddenly, he looked around and found himself at the same point where he started! As if he had never walked!
He tried to take another path, confusion and fear began to be very clear on his face. He started to walk again, and those sounds start to whisper again, but this time the sounds seemed clearer; he tried to understand what is being said, followed the sound, and continued walking towards the sound and continued, then suddenly he found a small hut among the thick trees.
He started to think, "it seems that these sounds are coming from this hut" when he gets closer to the hut, the sound stopped whispering, he approached the door to open and see where the sound was coming from entered the hut with fear and curiosity. He looked around and found only a table in the middle of the hut and some antique things, he began to search for anything that might help him know what was happening with him, and while he was overwhelmed by searching, he heard the door colliding as it closed suddenly. He was surprised and got up quickly, tried to open the door, but it didn't work, then something started to glow inside the hut; he looked at it in wonder. What is this!!

Chapter 2
He tried to get closer, but the more he got close to it, the glow increased to prevent him from advancing further; suddenly, the sound returned to whisper, but in a stronger tone this time, as if it was telling him a way to reach that glowing thing. He tried hard to understand what was being said. Meanwhile, the glow grew more and more, and this glow prevented him from approaching.
The voices began to be clear to him! He distinguishes a voice whispering to him, "come closer, come closer," but he did not understand! And he began to think, "How come I approach, and this glow is making me blind" while he is overwhelmed with thinking, he distinguishes another whispering voice "More, more"! "Close more" These are the sounds he hears, "But where did I come close"! This is what is in his mind, try to get closer to this glowing thing, get closer, these words started to scream in his mind.
Suddenly the glowing thing starts to calm down. At this moment, he approached it and grabbed it with both hands. it was an old book, He began to read the book page by page, and at the beginning of the page, he read: "Whispering of the forest is a secret that not many know about, the whisper of the forest is a soul that reveals a lot " While he is reading these phrases, suddenly he hears the voice of someone saying: "It seems that the spirit of this forest has summoned you here to find out its secret.
In a confused voice, he screams. "Who are you? What is going on? Who are you? Tell me," He did not understand anything anymore. He kept thinking like this "Why is all this happening? Where am I?" He grabbed the book and continued reading, hoping he might understand anything. He continued and continued until he was stopped by a line saying: “Whoever can realize what this forest is saying he has Imaginative power to protect it."
He did not understand what this phrase meant. "Since I have arrived here, does this mean that I have the power? I can protect what?" That voice came back and said, "Yes, you are the chosen one." What? Who? I! Why? Tell me? Who are you? He kept screaming. Suddenly he heard the steps of a person coming from behind.

Chapter 3
The door opened, and it was a girl. He marveled a lot and said to her: "Who are you? What is happening?"
She said, "So you are the chosen one, I am the guardian of this forest for a long time!
He: “The chosen one? What does this mean? Why are you the guardian of this forest? What do you mean by a long time?”
She: "Well, it seems that you couldn't understand anything from what happened to you. I will tell you everything; come on following me."  He was confused, but he went to accompany her, they got out of the hut, and he started to walk behind the girl.
"Where are we going?” He kept asking, but she never answered it and kept walking. Until she stopped suddenly, he too stopped and asked her: "Why did you stop here? What is going on?"
She said: "Look! Look over there! You will find all the answers to your questions."
He said, "Where؟ I don't see anything!"
She said, "Look over there to that tree!"
He: "Yes, I see it, but how can it answer all my questions?"
She: "Well, I will tell you everything. This large, ancient and thick tree is the soul of this forest. And everything in it derives its energy from this tree.
He: "So the life of this forest depends on this tree."
She: "Yes, this is true, and it, in turn, derives its energy through a magic jewel located in the soles of the tree which provides life and energy, and it, in turn, extends life and energy to all creatures in this forest."
He: "Well, I understand this, but what is the relationship that I have with all this and why I am here now?"
She: "This jewel that I am talking about has been stolen, and we need to get it back before it is too late."
He: "How did the jewel have been stolen? And what do you mean before it is too late?"
She: "It was stolen by someone who infiltrated this forest, and I mean before this life ended in this forest. If we do not return the jewel before the full moon, then the tree will disappear, and this life will be destroyed."
He: "Oh, oh! But why did this person steal it? And what is my relationship with all of this? That what I did not understand yet!"
She: “As I told you, this jewel provides life to this forest. He stole it to have an immortal life as he believed. Well, your relationship with this! It seems something is connecting you to this forest! Do you know what it is?
He: "Well, I'll try to remember!"

Chapter 4
He began to retrieve his memories since he was a little child. He remembered one day when he visited his grandfather's house in the nearby village from the forest. He remembered how he spent his time there on school vacations, and one day he and a friend he met in that village tried to enter this forest upon hearing that it was a magical forest; no one could enter it for fear that It shows something to them.
They approached the forest. They were never afraid. Their eyes were filled with enthusiasm and curiosity. Upon their arrival in the forest, signs of amazement and pleasure seemed to cover their faces, from the amazing and wonderful scene that they have seen, thick trees, flowers of different colors and shapes, and small butterflies, and shining sun in the middle of all these things, they kept playing and having fun. But suddenly he didn't find his friend next to him; he became lonely.
Signs of fear and anxiety began to paint his small face. He tried to look for his friend everywhere. He continued walking all over the forest. He continued walking until he stopped suddenly, when he saw a large tree emitting a bright light, he marveled at this tree. He tried to get close to it to see what this thing that creates this light.
He approached it and found a small jewel in the middle of this giant tree, and it is that which emits this bright light.  He tried to hold it when he touched it, it became more luminous and made a sound like a big explosion, and he fell on the ground unconscious.
After some time, he tried to open his eyes, and then he found himself in his grandfather's house again.
He was shocked and started screaming.
"Grandpa! Grandpa" What happened?
Grandfather: "You got lost in the woods, son! And your friend came and told us that; so we searched quickly for you. We searched for a long time until we found you lying on the ground unconscious; near the forest entrance. I carried you on my back and brought you here."
"I hope you are well, son."
He: "What? My friend came to you? We were together in the woods, but he suddenly disappeared. I kept searching for him, but I did not find him, and something happened like an explosion there. I don't know what it is."  He speaks in a state of anxiety and tension.
Grandfather: "Relax, son, everything is fine. It seems that you were dreaming about things like this. Your friend has returned home safely, and here you are also fine, so calm down, son."
He: "Well, I'll calm down."

Chapter 5

After this, he didn't repeat his visit to that forest. He didn't remember this incident that happened to him.
But now he remembered all of that. “Yes, it seems that I have been here before," thinking while he is standing in front of the big tree.
He told the forest's guardian about his accident in the past.
And asked her, "Does this incident have anything to do with this thing now?"
She: "Well, it seems that there was a relationship when you touched the jewel, and that explosion happened, part of its energy was transferred to you, and by this, you became one of the guardians of this forest."
Who should protect it from any damage! There were many guardians in this forest, but they died because of that person who stole the jewel."
He: “What!? I have become a guardian of this forest, possessing part of its energy.” in a loud voice.
"There were a lot of guardians in this forest, but they died. This means that the person tried more than once to steal the jewel?"
She: "Yes, this is true. He tried a lot to seize this jewel, but we always prevented him. But every time we encountered him, he became stronger and led to the death of one of the forest’s guardian.
He: "What? He is getting stronger every time. But how?  Who is left of the guards? Only you? "
He: "Yes, he is getting stronger, but I don't know how or where he gets this strength. Yes, I am the only one who remains. But there is someone who has power comparable to all the other guards?"
He: "Another person whose strength is equal to all the powers of others? Who is this person?"
She: "You are this person!"
It is: "What? Me! How? Why?" he shouts.
She: "This what the legend says: Whoever can touch a jewel ... possesses half of its energy, which without the other half of it cannot work."
He: "So in me half the energy of this jewel that revives this forest."
She: "Yes, that's right."
He: “I became one of the guardians of this forest and possessed energy comparable to everyone else. But how can I control this energy?” He still wonders.
She: "You must believe in this forest that trusted you and summoned you here. You must believe in that energy that you possess to be able to control it. We don't have much time left. We must return the jewel before the full moon, there are only two days remains"

Chapter 6

He became overwhelmed with thinking, "Belief in this forest! Believe in these powers that have become inside me! Two days!"
While he was still thinking, he began to remember how he entered this forest when he was young and how he had a beautiful time; among its trees and flowers and beautiful and wonderful life and how it has become now archaic, marginalized, and destroyed.
At this moment, he began to feel that there is something was tearing his chest. It seemed that he began to feel the energy inside him.
The pain increased in his chest, and he started screaming until it suddenly calmed down; he looked around it seemed to him that everything had changed. He had a different feeling, and he looked at his arm, he found a mark that had been painted on his right arm.
He was amazed at that! He asked the forest guard, "What is this? How did that happen?"
She: "This is the sign that indicates that you are the desired person, that you are the person who possesses half of the powers of the magic jewel. It seems that you have been able to control these powers."
He: "Alright! But what is the extent of this energy? What are the things that I can do so that I can return the jewel from that person?"
She: "This energy has no extent. Well, we must know where he is now and what he will do with the jewel?  I believe that he will not be able to control it because it's another half. I mean, its energy in your possession, so I think that he will search for you."
He: "Well, then he will try to search for me to obtain the other half of the energy. But where will we find him. We must find him and retrieve the jewel before it is too late."
She: "Well! I think we can find him at the top of that mountain. That mountain has an energy that is destructive to life. He draws his energy from that mountain, and he is always there to plan to try to steal the jewel, and he succeeded in the last attempt. We must eliminate him for that destructive energy to disappear."
He: "Well. I have to go there and face him."
Chapter 7

She is: "Wait, the time has not come yet.  You have not properly controlled your power yet. You must control it properly to eliminate him."
He: "But I managed to get that energy out."
She is: "Yes, but you didn't control it yet. We must find another way ... to face him."
He: "Well, what is that way?"
She: “We will try to lure him here to confront him; in the meantime, you have to try more to control this energy.”
He: “Well, but how are we going to lure him here? I will do my best to control it.
She: "I will take care of this. Now I have to go. You must find a way to show and control all your power."
He: "Where are you going now? How?" She left without answering.
He began to look around him, he began to see how this forest is getting worse than before, he began to think, "how he would control this energy." he looked at the mark on his right arm, which it looks similar to the shape of a jewel; he began to look at it and gather all his thinking to see if he will be able to control the energy. He pointed with his hand forward, and as soon as he did that, the strong energy coming out of his hand. He was surprised by that. He began to think, "This is all of the energy, or there is more. How can I show it all?"
While he was training and trying to release the energy, the girl went to a place close to that evil person to lure him into the forest. She was looking at him carefully.
He was looking angry. He seemed to have discovered that the energy of the jewel was not complete. And that half of it had suddenly disappeared, he didn't know what to do, he began to search for answers in the books in front of him. Perhaps he will know something about the secret of this jewel, even though he knows that it extends life and energy to whoever owns it.
He continued searching until he found the myth that says: "Anyone who touches the jewel will possess half of its energy. He begins to think about it. "Is there anyone who has been able to touch this jewel before?"
He remembered that one day in the past, a little boy was wandering around in the forest, and he touched that jewel, and it led to an explosion. He started laughing and said: “Well, it seems that there is someone else who has managed half the energy of this jewel. I must find him and seize the other half of this energy."
Meanwhile, he decided to go to the forest to search for him. "Maybe he had come to control the entire energy before me," Thinking!
The forest guard hurried back to warn him that the evil person would come to the forest to look for him.
She returned to the large tree's place and found him lying on the ground; it seems that he is sleeping.
She shouted at him, "Hey, you. Is this a good time to sleep? That person is coming in the way here. He knew that there is a person who possesses half the energy of a jewel."
He: "What? Really? ... What should we do now?"
She: "What were you doing? Were you able to control the energy?"
He: "Yes, I think I could."
She: "Well, that's fine. We will try to hide this time. We are in the middle of the night now, and this is not a good time to face him."
He: "What does this mean?"
She: "He grows stronger in the middle of the night with the presence of darkness he derives tremendous energy that we cannot stop."
He: "Well, we will be patient for this night, but early in the morning, we will look for him and try to confront him."
She: "We'll try it."

Chapter 8

This night ended peacefully because the evil person could not find them, but he was sure that the person who possessed half of that energy was in the forest.
The sun shines on the second day. It is the last chance to save this forest from destruction. On this night of this day, the moon will be full. And if you do not restore the jewel to its place, everything will be destroyed; it will disappear forever.
The evil person returned to his place but decided to search the forest at night.
Meanwhile, the forest guard woke up, and she found out that he was still training to control the energy.
She was amazed by that and asked him: "You didn't sleep all night? And you are training for this?"
He: "Yes, I couldn't sleep, so I decided to train more to control this power."
She: "This is good, but tell me, what is your name? And why did you become so interested in saving this forest, even though you didn't understand anything of what is happening to you here?"
He: "Well. I feel that protecting this forest is my responsibility. I remembered the first day I came here. It was really a forest full of amazing things, wonderful, magical, so the scene was not removed from my memory for its unique beauty, so I want to see it in that image again. I don't want it to disappear, to be destroyed, that's all.
Oh! I forgot to introduce myself; my name is Kim, you can call me like this."
She: "Well, that's really cool. We will do our best to return it to what it was. What a beautiful name."
Kim: Thank you! Yes, we will try.
Meanwhile, they decided to go to confront the evil person. They approached his place, where he is hiding on the edges of that dark mountain.  Kim began to think, "We must lure him out! But how?"
At that moment, the jewel possessed by that person began to glow, and he felt that the other half of its energy was close by. Kim was also able to feel the energy of the other part of the jewel. So Kim and the forest guardian hurried so quickly return to the back because he felt that the evil person started chasing them, they kept running until they reached the middle of the forest. That person pursued them until he caught them in the middle of the forest.
Then that person started laughing and said: "Finally, I caught you, so you are the person who possessed half the energy of that jewel."
Kim: "Yes, I am, and I will destroy you now and take back the other half."
He: "How can you get it back? I will finish you off as I did with all the other guards. None of you will remain! I will destroy this forest forever." laughing.
Kim: "Don't make fun of us! We are here to protect this forest! It will restore its life as the past."
He: “It seems that you are very confident! It will be dark soon, and you will die like the rest.” laughing.
Kim: "You will see who is confident. You will not be able to defeat me. This forest will return as it was."
Kim began to gather strength and the mark on his arm started to glow little by little.
That person kept laughing and mocking: "What can you do with this little glow?"
Kim: "You will see!"
The glow increased in Kim's arm and formed in the form of a ball of energy, and he fired it at that person. Who was amazed at seeing this energy! It shocked him and brought him to the ground in pain. He got up on his feet and said: "Is this all that you have?"
Kim: "You haven't seen anything yet."
He: "Well, it looks like the battle will be beautiful this time. You will see the true meaning of the power."

Chapter 9

It seems that it will be a big battle. Between them, they started the fight and demonstrating the strength of each one of them.
They continued with maneuvers and successive strikes. Once Kim fell and once that person fell.
The battle began to grow more and more enthusiastic and stronger. But the time is running out. The date of sunset has approached.
Darkness will prevail, and that person's strength will increase with the presence of darkness.
While the battle was going on, the forest guard looked at them and looked at Kim.  She's thinking, "How could that person (Kim) resist? Even though he couldn't control the full energy that he possesses.
"I have to do anything to help him," she says to herself, "I will not stand still."
She got up on her feet and gathered her strength, and decided to attack the evil person to overthrow him.
She started attacking him while still fighting with Kim, but he caught sight of her from afar ... and hit her hard.
Dropped her on the ground.
"Don't do this, why! You will regret it," Kim shouted angrily.
The forest guardian fell to the ground, unconscious. Then it became dark all over the place. The sun had set, but the sky was covered with clouds, and the moon had not appeared yet.
The evil person starts to laugh out loud, and a large aura of energy circled him.
“It seems to be powerful energy. It is the energy of darkness.” This is what Kim thinks.
Kim began to feel angry and tried to summon all his energy to destroy that person.
They started the battle again. But this time, one blow from that person toppled Kim on the ground.
Kim fell on the ground in pain, and that person started laughing again.

Kim started looking around he saw the girl on the ground, he saw the trees starting to fade little by little.
The spirits began circling and ascending to the sky, and the sounds returned to him again, but they were moving away! Moving away until they disappeared because at this moment, the clouds began to diverge little by little, and the moonlight began to spread. Therefore, despair, fear, anger crept into Kim's heart and became full of emotions.
Kim tried to regain all his energy again while that person started approaching him.
And he says, "Well, oh! This is the end. I will take the energy you have from that jewel, and I will collect them again. But this time only for me. I will remain immortal for life."
Kim shouted at the top of his voice, "No, you won't, "Suddenly, he got up on his feet, an aura of energy circled him, an energy emitting a bright light."
He was able to bring out the full energy of the true jewel.
That person was amazed at the energy emanating from Kim, and his features began to appear with signs of astonishment and exclamation.
And Kim starts beating that person from every direction, that person tried to avoid it but one he couldn't! He was hit, and he fell to the ground. But he quickly got up, and signs of anger began to appear on his face.
But as soon as he got up on his feet and saw very great energy coming directly towards him, he couldn't move.
That energy came from Kim, who released it with all his remaining energy.
It bumped into him, and as a huge explosion occurred, a sound shook throughout the forest. The evil person has been destroyed.

Chapter 10

Kim fell to the ground exhausted, but he tried to get up to get the jewel and put it in its proper place in the heart of the large tree.
Kim took the jewel and started running to reach the place of the large tree. While he was running, he began to hear the whisper sounds that he heard first time. He was happy to hear that again.
And continued running until he reached the place of the tree, which seemed to disappear in its last moments.
But he was fast, and he put the jewel in its proper place, and when it was placed, a massive explosion happened.
Kim falls to the ground, unconscious.
After some time, and as he tried to open his eyes, suddenly he finds himself sitting in front of the entrance to the forest where the life has been returned to it.
He smiled and decided to enter it, and when he entered, he began to see all the things that he saw when he was young, dense trees, flowers of different colors and many shapes, and the sun's rays that reflect the beauty charm of this forest.
Suddenly, he hears whispering voices again; it seems as if they are happy to see him here! He kept walking until he arrives at the large tree, which brings magical life to this forest.

The End.

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