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Basic information

Name: Aurora Skye (Solace) Montague

Age: 15

Birthday: April 7th

Gender/Pronouns: Female. She/Her

Aliases: Rose, Skye, 'Beauty' (Future love interest)

Parents: Everette Montague and William Solace

Siblings: Jasmine Montague (twin)

Partner/s: n/a



Long, chocolate-colored hair that she either lets flows down to her chest or keeps tied up in intricate braids. Forest green eyes that look like watercolor on glass when in sunlight. Thin, pink lips with a cupid bow (similar to Ev's) that becomes visible when she smiles. A light splash of freckles laying on her nose from all the time she's spent outdoors. Can more often than not be found in a flowing white and brown dress that may or may not be hiding a silver dagger at her waist.

- Glamour. Can change slight aspects of her appearance such as eye color and dimples for a limited time. (Uses this to play pranks with Jas)
- Amokinesis. Love manipulation. She has the natural ability to sense when people are falling in love, but never interferes unless absolutely necessary for a pairing.
- French. Aurora can speak fluent French with the full accent seeing as it's the language of love and Ev uses it around the house. (They tend to use this talent to run circles around an annoyed Will from time to time.)
- Intuition. Though a natural dreamer, she can pay high attention to detail thanks to her mother's sharp eye.

Aurora takes after her name sake in many ways regarding her apparent traits. Through her natural and inherited charm, she posses an air of innocence reality hasn't been able to break through. She's a dreamer who doesn't take many things seriously which is a downfall in itself. Independent but fiercely loyal to her family, she prefers the forest to socialization. She also has a persistent inferiority complex after being neglected for so long, so compliments often cause her to panic out of confusion. Overall, Aurora has a good heart and wants to help those in need out of that kindness, which earns her respect beyond being Aphrodite's daughter.

Negative traits:
- Obliviousness
- Overly Polite
- Trusting
- Emotional

Independence, Foraging, Intuition, Loyalty, Compassion, Dance, Flower Crowns (totally a strength)

Strategy, Will-Power, Communication, Persuasion, Sugar (thanks a lot Ev-), Energy drinks (that's on Will though...)


More Details

Aurora and Jasmine were born in Denver, Colorado as twin daughters of Aphrodite and a young English professor. They were named after their respective tragic fairytales, but with a low salary and time-consuming job, their biological father couldn't care for them like he wanted to. From a young age, Aurora taught herself how to clean the house as Jasmine learned more about the world around them in an effort to find their mother. They worked as a duo to be productive while not old enough to understand why their parent figure was so absent.

At age 8, the first monster attack happened and their biological dad panicked. He found the camp Aphrodite had briefly mentioned and helped the girls pack. Aurora was the first one to step out of the car and see half blood hill, which was a shocking experience to say the least. During their orientation, the girls met a man named Everette who was taken with them instantly (though their future father will deny it.)Aphrodite claimed Aurora first, leaving her adamant that she 'wasn't going anywhere' until Jasmine was claimed as her sister.

Over the next month, both twins settled into their camp life. Aurora fell in the love with the forest and was often chatting with dryads or picking flowers. (The Demeter kids loved comparing notes on animals, but only once they got over their initial stereotype of Aphrodite's children.) Ev was the first person who really taught Aurora she and Jasmine weren't alone anymore, and she therefore claimed him as a father figure before he even mentioned them to Will. Once the healer had been dragged to camp to meet the twins, their adoption papers were all but signed. Aurora and Jasmine moved in the the Montagues the summer later and have been adjusting to life there ever since.

Favorite Color:
Rotates between rose pink and aquamarine.

Ambrosia Flavor:
Aunt Mabel's apple pie

Bad Habits:
- randomly humming to tune out arguments
- 'spacing out' during conversation
- biting her lip to the point of bleeding when agitated

Jasmine, flowers, laughter, strawberries, herbal tea, lollipops, animals, nature

Fighting, liars, coffee, spindles

n/a (YET)

She's normally a pacifist, but her decorative dagger never leaves her side since it's the one token of her biological dad Aurora keeps with her.

Aurora adores both of her dads. It took her some getting used regarding all the attention they gave her compared to past experience, but she now considers them her family just as much as Jasmine. Her personality is more in line with Will's despite being a daughter of Aphrodite thanks to her calming kindness, but Ev's energy is infectious to Aurora.

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⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Feb 08, 2021 ⏰

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