Chapter Two

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Eriol blinked once. Twice. His eyes never leaving the Daidouji heiress’ apparently uninterested gaze. Bringing his right hand up slowly towards his chest in a gesture of mock pain, he released a silent gasp. “Excruciatingly unbearable. This pain.” He paused dramatically, tilting his head back to glance at the ceiling with hooded eyes.

“Farewell! Thou art too dear for my possessing. For how do I hold thee but by thy granting? The cause of this fair gift in me is wanting. And so-”


Eriol brought his head back down to glance at the incredulous expression on the vice president’s face. He chuckled. “And just when I was getting to the good part.”

Tomoyo was at a loss for words. She could never really tell what was going through his mind. “What exactly were you trying to achieve by quoting Shakespeare?”

“Ah, sonnet 87. The melancholic conclusion of an unrequited love. It fits the current mood don’t you think?”

Tomoyo looked at him as if he just grew another head. “No. It doesn’t. There wasn’t any love from either of us to begin with.”

“Ouch.” Eriol winced, trying his best to conceal an underlying smirk. “And here I was doing you a favor.”

“A favor?”

“I figured you’d be too shocked if you learned that there’s actually a member of the male population who couldn’t care less about your opinion.” Eriol’s polite, distant smile was back in place. “I didn’t want to offend your ego, seeing as any other male would have been devastatingly heartbroken at the sheer will of your rejection.”

Tomoyo felt her lips part at his audacity. Who was he trying to fool? He wasn’t doing it for her merit. It was all for his own twisted amusement. “You think I’ll fall for such an obvious lie?”

He shrugged. “I’m well aware of your preferences, Daidouji-san.”

She folded her arms on her chest defensively. “That being?”

“Anyone with the name Kinomoto.” Eriol teased. He watched the darkened expression on her face with fascination. “It was Sakura back in middle school, wasn’t it?” He paused, offering a polite smile in contrast to the grim expression she adorned. “And although it seems you’ve moved on from your innocent first love, you only ended up falling for your first love’s older brother.” He shook his head at the hilarity of it all. “Such a pity.”

Tomoyo released a long silent breath to reel in her indignation. Never in her life did she expect him to cross such a line. They weren’t even friends to begin with, and yet here he was, exposing her deepest darkest secrets as if he was just commenting on the weather. She stayed silent for a moment to collect her thoughts, not allowing herself to lash out. But her gaze never left his. If Hiiragizawa wanted to play this game with her, then she would gladly oblige.

Eriol watched as a small smirk grew on the Daidouji heiress’ otherwise vexed expression. “You’re amused.”

“You think you have everything figured out, don’t you?” Tomoyo crossed one leg over another, facing Clow’s reincarnation head on. “And yet you can’t seem to get Mizuki Kaho out of Kinomoto Touya’s grasp.” She felt vindicated when she saw his smile drop, his expression growing steadily agitated. “Four, five years they’ve been together?” She paused to mockingly inspect her fingernails. “Nearly two years since they’ve been engaged. The wedding is in three months. And yet, last I’ve heard, you’re still desperately trying to convince your lady love that she should be with you instead.” She paused for emphasis, enjoying the way the century-old magician openly glared at her in disdain. “Who’s pitiful now?”

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