Training gone wrong.

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It was our third week of school, I'm having fun so far. I've made new friends already. But today will be fun, we are choosing our hero names, and tomorrow we are getting our hero costumes. It's about 10:47 am when Pro Hero Froppy, walks into our classroom. She introduced herself and gave us some more information on how we should choose our hero names. After a few long minutes, a girl walks up, and she chooses the name: Transform Girl, it relates to her quirk a lot because she can transform into any no living object. The whole class was surprised that Froppy let that be our fellow classmates' hero name. A lot more of my classmates went, before Yuki went. Yuki chose the name: Runner. But for some reason his hero name was rejected, the whole class was shocked. About a minute later I sighed then walked to the front of the classroom and said, "My hero name is: Glitch Girl. I've thought of that name once I learned about my quirk, I've changed the name many times before I settled on Glitch Girl." Froppy smiled and agreed that, Glitch Girl should be my hero name. It was about an hour later when everyone got their names chosen.
(Deku's POV)
Last night I got my weekly phone call from Virus, and she told me and Todoroki-Kun that she was choosing hero names. I knew she would choose a good name, I now have to wait for her next call or next time she texts me to figure out what name she choose. I just can't wait to see her again, but from being the Number One Hero, I'm always busy. I look at the clock and it's 7:53 pm, I sighed. I was about to go shower when my phone buzzed. I grab my phone to notice I got a new text from Virus. I open the text and my dear Virus texted me: Hello Father! We choose hero names and Pro Hero Froppy was there to help us. I think I chose a good name, my hero name is: Glitch Girl! Do you like it? Oh and tomorrow we are getting our costumes! I'll send you a photo of it when we get them! Love you. When I read the text I smiled, then responded with: Wait really, Froppy was there?! I'm glad she let you go with Glitch Girl, it's a super cute name that everybody will remember. I can't wait to see the costume that you designed! I love you too and I hope that you text me back soon
(Virus POV)
It was the next morning, we're getting our hero costumes today. When I walk into my classroom I notice that there is a  box on each of our desks, and on each box there is a number on it. Once the bell rings Kaminari Sensei tells us that we can go to the locker rooms to change into our costumes. I put my costume on and it's identical to the sketch I drew. It's a dark red long sleeve shirt, with a dark Burgundy and dark pink cropped jacket, a dark purple and pink skirt that has a belt with a dark pale pink bow on it, then some burgundy glasses, it also has fishnet tights, a red and green shoe, and a green and red shoe.
Her costume (don't mind it being in Gacha)

After everyone puts their costumes on we take a trip to a training ground

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After everyone puts their costumes on we take a trip to a training ground. Today we're doing a mock rescue mission. And for safety reasons the school is providing robots to be the civilians. "Even though the civilians will be robots there are still some warnings," Kaminari Sensei said, "There will be buildings that will collapse, me and the other teachers here will act like villains, so you'll need to rescue and fight, and everyone try to be safe."
Damn, fighting and rescuing at the same time. A buzzer buzzes letting us know that we can start. I glitch my way to the back of the small city, Yuki stays close behind me. I hold up 2 fingers and point to the left, letting Yuki know that I'm going into a certain building. I run into a building, and I run up every floor that see if there is anyone inside. nobody. I finally get to the roof when the building starts to shake, I look at the ground to see that Yuki is still there. I quickly glitch down the stairs when the building collapses on top of me.
(Yukio POV)
I press a small button that everyone has gotten then a loud buzz sound came shortly after. Everyone paused then a few teachers came running over to where I was. I told them that Virus was trapped under the collapsed building. When I said that the teachers that came over started digging into the rubble to try to find glitch. After a few minutes most of the class was searching in the rubble for Virus. When one of my fellow classmates found her Passed out. Kaminari Sensei told me to carry her to where Rewind (Eri's hero name) is at, I did. When I got to Rewind I told her what happened.
Its now the end of the school day, Virus still hasn't awoken, and pro hero's Shoto and Deku were called to come and pick up Virus to take care of her. Shoto invited me to come with them because I'm one of Virus's few close friends. We get to their house and I told them everything that happened. We are all worried at this point. I was allowed to stay the night.
It was now the next morning, an hour before school started when Virus finally awoke.
(Virus POV)
I sat up in my bed, not at the dorms but my actual bedroom. What happened? Last I remember was I was at the schools training grounds. I got out of bed and walked into the kitchen to see Yuki, dad, and father all sitting at the table. "You're finally awake!" Father said to me, about to cry like always.
"Can someone please explain to me what happened?" I asked.
Yuki told me the whole story of what happened, all I could respond with was a sigh. "Well umm... my dad said you could stay home for a few days to recover if you want," Yuki said. I just nodded back. It was about a half hour later when Yuki left to go to school.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 08, 2021 ⏰

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