Chapter 1

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"Racetrack, get up!"

I jump and roll over to see Kloppman walkin away. I groan tiredly and sit up, reaching under my bed to grab my pants. I stand up and pull them up, then slip the straps over my shoulders. I then sit back on my bed and reach into the cup I keep my cigar in. It's not there. I start to look through my stuff on the small table next to the bed, then look over at Snipeshooter. It's in his mouth. I slide over to his bed.

"That's my Cigar."

"You'll steal anoda!"

I then proceed to snatch it back and hit him in the head. Blink then drops down from his bunk, wrapping his arms around our shoulders.

"Hey bummers, we got woik to do!"

Blink lets us go and walks away, running straight into Specs.

"Sense when did you become me mudda?"

"Aw stop ya bawlin!"

Everyone then yells at Crutchie.

"Who ast you!?"

I walk past everyone towards the bathroom area and start brushing my hair, my cigar hanging loosely from my mouth. Mush then appears next to me, getting ready for the day as well. Jack and Crutchie then walk over and we overhear what Crutchie talking about.

"I dunno. It's just there's so many fake crips on the street today, a real crip ain't got a chance. I gotta find me a new selling spot where they ain't used to seeing me."

Jack is putting shaving cream all over his face while Crutchies talking. Mush then pipes up with an idea.

"Try bottle alley or da harba"

I'm now combing my hair into place as I elbow Mush. I take my cigar out of my mouth.

"Try Central Park it's guaranteed."

Jack then splats shaving cream onto Mush.

"Try any banker, bum or barber."

"They almost all knows how to read!"

I take Jack's place with the shaving cream as more boys pipe up.

"I smell money!"

"You smell foul!"

"Met this goil last night!"

I rinse my face then reach for the towel, but it's not in it's normal spot, so i'm blinded.

"Move your Elbow!"

"Pass the towel!"

"For a buck I might!"

I walk blindly after the voice but he pushes me away. I then feel another towel and wipe my face with that instead. I then go to finish getting dressed.

"Ain't it a fine life, Carryin the Banner through it all! A mighty fine life, Carryin the banner tough and tall."

I button up my white shirt and throw on my yellow and black checkered vest then grab my hat.

"Every mornin, we goes where we wishes! We's as free as fishes! Sure beats washin dishes what a fine life, Carryin the banner home free all!"

We all run down the stairs and out the door, movin towards the circulation center. I pull on my hat while runnin out the door and we're off. We're all running through the streets and some of us are showin off with doin backflips and such. As we're running down the streets some guys are carrying barrels into a cart.

The Tide'll be Turnin (A Sprace Story)Where stories live. Discover now