Dinosaur On A Spaceship

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At the train station Charlotte could see the light going up in the sky and she wonder what going to happen now when she felt a hand on hers and she woke up in bed. She rubbed her head and frowned "what happened my head hurts" "Charlotte you ok I was so worried about you" the doctor said as he huged her tight stroking her hair Charlotte wonder how long she was out for but what she saw was going to come true and the universe will end Charlotte got out of bed and got dressed "so where to next" the doctor smiled and took her hand as they head to the control room. When they got there rose ran to Charlotte and smiled "you ok mum" "yeah I'm fine love I need to tell you something later" Charlotte said whisper as she nods Andrew pulled the leaver and they head to their next adventure.

Egypt, 1334 B.C.

The Doctor was runing to the tardis but then got pulled back as the other get their breath bsck "Bye, then. Lovely meeting you. Sorry about the mess"" You think I'll just let you leave without me, after what we've just been through" nefertiti said leaning the doctor against the door "You've got the Egyptian people to rule, Queen Nefertiti and I'm married to Charlotte . They'll need reassuring after that weapon-bearing giant alien locust attack we just stopped rather brilliantly Oh dear, sorry. I've got it set to Temporal News For You. That's interesting""What is" she wonder "Nothing. Not interesting. Not at all. Ooo, never been there. Exciting! I'm off Coming" "so much for getting involved in history" Andrew said as they head to where the message said to go.

Indian Space Agency 2367 A.D.

"Craft size approximately ten million square kilometres""A ship the size of Canada coming at Earth very fast. Any signs of life" Charlotte wonder as they have a look at it "We sent up a drone craft. It took these readings""Crikey, Charlie, look at that. Ooo, I know someone who'd love to have a look at that. And the Ponds. Mustn't forget the Ponds, Neffy. Haven't seen them in ages. I'm riffing. People usually stop me when I'm riffing or carry on without me. That's also an option" the doctor said smiling holding Charlotte hand"Can you communicate with this craft""She's with us. Good question, Neffy" he smiled as Charlotte looked at him "neffy" "yeah sorry" he said looking down embarrassed "No. No response on any channel, in any recognised language. If it comes within ten thousand kilometres of Earth, we send up missiles""Oh, Indira, I liked you before you said missiles" the doctor said as raven wonder "How long till the ship gets that close""Six hours nineteen minutes"indira said as Andrew nods "Right. Better get a shift on, then. Leave it with us""Come on, Neffy. We're going to need help" the doctor said as they ran off.

African Plains 1902 A.D.

"More stew" "Where've you been, man? Seven months. You said you were popping out for some liquorice. I had two very disappointed dancers on my hands. Not that I couldn't manage" Riddell said looking at them " Riddell, listen. I've found, well, something""and we need your help "clone Rebecca said smiling"No, no, no, no, no. I shan't fall for that again. What is it" "I've no idea. Do you want to find out" Beth said as he smiled at the idea.

Amy and Rory's home

Meanwhile in amy and Rory House Rory dad was up a ladder "I think it's the fitting"" Dad, it's not the fitting. It just needs a new bulb" Rory said frowning " You're wobbling the ladder""I'm not" he said shaking his head "I don't want another loft incident"" How's my side, Brian" amy wonder " Perfect, as ever, Amy"" Thank you, Brian" she said grining "I don't know what he said to you to make you marry him, but he's a lucky man""Not here, not now" Rory said as they hear the tardis "You leave the back door open" "What is he doing" Rory wonder" I'm going to kill him""Hello! You weren't busy, were you? Well, even if you were, it wasn't as interesting as this probably is. Didn't want you to miss it. Now, just a quick hop Everybody grab a torch" the doctor said as they grab a torch "wow very cleans" "Spiders. Don't normally get spiders in space" raven said looking at the Web "What the" "Don't move! Do you really think I'm that stupid I wouldn't notice? How did you get aboard, eh? Transmat? Who sent you" the doctor wonder walking over to Brian "Doctor. That's my dad""hello pleased to meet you I'm Charlotte the doctor wife this is Beth, raven Rebecca, Andrew, rose and lottie "Charlotte shock his hand" Well frankly, that's outrageous""What" Rory said frowning "You think you can just bring your dad along without asking? I'm not a taxi service, you know""You materialised around us" he said as the doctor grins "Oh. Well, that's fine, then. My mistake. Hello, Brian. How are you? Nice to meet you. Welcome, welcome. This is the gang. I've got a gang. Yes. Come on then, everyone" "Tell him something, quick" rose said as she walked off with rose in her arms "Yes, thank you" "i'm not entirely sure what's going on" Brian said frowning "You know when Amy and I first got married and we went travelling" "To Thailand" he said "More the entirety of space and time. In that police box" "All right, where are we? What is that noise and hello, ten months" amy said as she looked at them "sorry it's been so long" "We must you" Andrew said smiling "Well, I sense it's orbiting. More like pre-crashing. On a spaceship, don't know, and hello, Pond. Ten months. Time flies. Never really understood that phrase. This is Neffy, this is Riddell" "They're with us"beth said" Charmed""With you? They're with you? Are they the new us? Is that why we haven't seen you"amy wonder frowning" No. They're just people. They're not Ponds. I thought we might need a new gang. Not really had a gang before. It's new""It's coming down" rose said standing near andrew "What is it" "No idea" raven said frowning "Not possible"" Run!" the doctor said as he took Charlotte hand as they ran leaving Andrew looking surprised at this"Doctor" "I know. Dinosaurs! On a spaceship" he smiled as they ran and it goes into the theam tune.

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