The turn

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We were at school, I was in my 3rd period class. Miguel was in this class , so was Maddie, she's so beautiful, what if Eli falls for her, who wouldn't .

Ok class get into groups of three, let's dissect a frog!!" Mrs Barrymore said happily causing me to make a disgusted face

I stood up to go to Maddie and pull her by the arm , we go to Miguel's table

"Hey can we sit here." I ask

"Uhh ye-" I cut Miguel off

"Great thank's " I say while sitting Maddie down next to him, I was across from both of them

"Hey Maddie " Miguel says blushing

"Hi Miguel " she says blushing even more

"GET A ROOM." I yell loud enough for the whole class to hear me

" Y/n, please be quiet" Mrs. Barrymore said

"Sorry." I say while smiling

3hours later~

I was in my last class, with the teacher I hate.

I feel like I'm peeing . Oh boy I'm on my period

I raise my hand, so I can ask if I can use the bathroom

"Yes, Y/n?" He ask

"Can I use the restroom please." I ask desperately but respectfully

"No Im in the middle of teaching." He says causing me to squint my eyes

"Please Mr Alvar." I say desperately as well

"I said no " he replies

"Please it's lady issues " I say

"I don't care I said no " he replied , which got me so mad

I get up outta my chair

"You know what, this is what I think about your no " I say while flipping him off and leaving the class

Some kids were recording and some kids gasped.

I went to the bathroom and yes I was in my period.

I went to the office

" sorry I left class but that tiny dumb dumb you call a teacher, didn't want to let me go and I'm on my period, I told him it was lady issues, still said no " I say

"Oh I'm so sorry, did you get your paints stained ?" The office lady asked

"Yes!! But I cleaned most of it." I say angrily but respectfully

"Oh I'm so sorry, here you can go , again so sorry " she says while looking sad

"Thank you Ms?" I ask

"Ms. Walker " she says while smiling

"Well thank you Ms. Walker" I say with a smile back

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