Why ?

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The bold is Summer talking youll find out what im talking about right .... Now

"You did a good job today baby ." I heard my mother say . I turned to face her . "Momma ?" I turned to see Sky , we looked at each other "what you doing here ?" we said to each other.

"Where is daddy ?" I asked my mother . "Im not sure baby ." My mother said . I turned around to look and turned back around . Everyone disappeared... "Momma ! ... Sky ? " i yelled .

"Where is everyone..." I said walking forward. These little girls looked just like me and Sky they were talking to each other . I kneeled down to them . "Heey baby girls." The said nothing back just kept walking .

"Come on sky we need to get home so i can study. " I said as I was walking towards the house.

"Don't yell at me you not momma or daddy so chill." She said which irritated me.
As we were walking in the house my mother & father looked worried , they sat us down and took a deep breath and began talking .

"Wait a minute " I began to walk behind them .

"Summer & Sky we love you so much and we never wanted this to happen but ... We can't prevent it much longer. " our father said to us.
We both looked at each other in confusion.
"What do you mean daddy ? Whats going on ?" We both said in unison. Just then our mother stared crying.

"Noo .." I said running to the front door to see if anyone was at the door .
"Dad whats going on !?" I yelled causing Sky to jump. He handed me a piece of paper and kissed us both. I grew livid and walked to the kitchen and sat at the table and Sky followed. Our house isnt the biggest thing in the world but it comfortable to us. Bang ! Bang ! Bang !

"No ! " I said trying to stand infront of them but they ran right past me .

Me and Sky jumpped and looked up to my mother and father who now had a gun in their hand.

"Run ! Run now ! " my father yelled at us starting to shoot. Soon after i seen 6 red stains in the back of his shirt. Not to long did my mother start to shoot. As i seen my father turn around and look at us and drop to the floor. My mother then had 6 red stains on the back of her shirt and one in her head causing her to fall back instantly hitting the floor.

"Mommy ! Daddy ! " I said dropping to my knees . "No ! Come back please !" I yelled crawling to them crying . "Momma ! Pa Pa ! " I said holding my mother up . "Wake up please! " I said shaking them .

"Summer wake up !" I heard Kings voice . "Wake up ! Wake up !" I heard him yell . "Baby please its just a nightmare!" He yelled . I opened my eyes and gasped for air .

He held me close , "summer please stop !" He yelled . I calmed down , "I'm... Sorry " I said loosing my grip I had on his hand .

"What happened?" I asked . "Started screaming mommy and daddy and rocked back and forth .. And hit me in my eye when I tried to hold you down .." He said looking down .

I held his face and touched his eye . He flinched, "I'm sorry tinka.." I said kissing him . "It's okaay .." He said kissing me back .

My phone rang , it was Sky . "You seen that..." she said crying . "Yes ..." I said with my head down . "Look we gotta stay strong for them ..." I said tearing up . " Did you tell King everything that happened so far .. ?" She asked , I stayed quiet .. "Tell him Summer I feel like you can trust him , we both can ." she said "okaay.. I love you Sky " "I love you to Summer" she said hanging up .

"We gotta take Prince to the doctors.." I said looking at the clock , it was only 3 in the morning . I got up and went to check Prince room , he was sitting there crying ..

"Baby what's wrong ? " I said trying to pick him up . "My ... Side hurts ... And ...and ... My jaw .... Hurts .." He said in between cries , "wanna go in daddy's room ? " I said walking to the door .

"Yes .." He said softly.. I walked to King's room .

"We really have to take him to the doctors and I want to kill yo baby moms .." I said still holding him . "Naah I don't want you in trouble or danger." He said , lord only if he knew what I've done and what I'm capable of .. I don't think he would want to be around me .

I looked down and got in the bed still holding Prince . I was rubbing his head and I could hear his little cries , poor baby can't even sleep because his so called mother wanted to hurt King . So she hurts him ...

A tear dropped from me looking at him .. King wiped it ... "I don't want you seeing me like this ." I said turning my head . " Get some rest I got Prince " he said grabbing him . "No Prince can't even sleep how do I knowing he is in pain ?" I said grabbing him back .

I sang to both of them all night eventually they both fell asleep. I was still up watching tv , eventually the sun came up I got up and cooked breakfast and picked out Prince's outfit for today . I took a shower and looked at the clock it was 10 in the morning . I put my clothes on and I went to go wake them up

"Tink get yo ass up ." I said picking up Prince . He woke up when I threw the pillow at his face . "Wake up yo plate in the microwave." I said walking out .

I sat Prince down on the counter, "Jaw still hurt baby ?" I asked him "Yes... "he said softly. "Want a banana smoothie?" I asked "yes .." he said softly.

I made him one and walked him to his room to get him dressed . "Song ?" He asked . I started to sing and he started smiling but quickly stopped because of his jaw .

After I got him dressed , I picked him up and went to King's room. "You dressed yet nigga ?" I asked rolling my eyes . "Yes " he said grabbing his keys and we left .

We pulled up to the doctors, King grabbed Prince and went in . We sat down I had Prince on my lap , I was on my phone .

"Whats your name?" Prince asked me "Summer " I replied "can we take a picture miss Summer ?"

I went to my camera and took a picture of us .
The doctor called , we followed .

"Well looks like he has bruised ribs we have treatment for it though ." The doctor said . King began to tear up ...

"Ill wait outside " I said leaving .

A hour went past they came out . We went to the car and the ride was silent .

As soon as we got in the house King was on his phone and said "Summer we can't see each other no more.." I looked at him. "We too different.. " he said looking down " I still want to be fr-" "fuck you and don't text or call me no more " I said walking out .

The reason for him saying that ... I don't know but it hurt me a lot .. Im not gone cry about it though.. Fuck him ... I thought tearing up .

How was chapter 12?
Why did he say that ?
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