Chapter two: Morning Before class

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"Hey Mate, wake up it's time for breakfast" Wolffe woke up too James shaking him awake
"Mmmmm" Wolffe yawns stretching
"You stiff mate?" Sirius asked
"Mm not really" Wolffe says
"Mate, you fell asleep in a chair how are you not stiff" Sirius says
"I've slept in worse places, What's the time" Wolffe says
"7 Am" James says
"Eh so it was just four hours" Wolffe says
"Go get dressed mate, then we can head down too breakfast" James says
"Oh yeah, gimme a moment" Wolffe headed up too the dorm and quickly showered and dressed. He grabbed his wand and school bag he had put together the night before.
"Come on mate, we're gonna be late" Peter said when Wolffe came back down
"At ease peter, we have plenty of time" Wolffe says "Anyway when do we get our schedules?"
"At Breakfast" James says "Come on"
"You will probably get a standard Schedule, like Sirius. No electives seeing as this is you're first year here" Remus says "Meanng sirius will be in most if not all of you're classes, as will we. James and I have one more class or least we should. I should be in arthrimtancy and he should be in muggle studies"
"Mom and dad made me sign up for all three electives this year" Sirius says
"I signed up for all three as well" James says
"I thought you only had one?" Remus says
"Couldnt choose so I signed up for all three" James says
"What are the three electives" Wolffe asks
"Well there are actually more than three, but the three are the main ones that everyone takes" James says
"Yeah, what are they" Wolffe asks as they sit down at the gryffindor table
"Arthimancy, Muggle studies and ancient runes" Lily says "Mornning Wolffe"
"Good morning Miss Evans" Wolffe says
"Okay you are not going too call me that all year" Lily says wolffe gave her a wolffish grin
"Next year we can drop divination" James says
"What's that?" Wolffe asks taking a piece of bacon from the basket
"A stupid class" Sirius says
"The class would be good if the teacher wasnt a joke" James says
"Okay but what is it" Wolffe says
"Proffeser twelany teaches about the future" Lily says
"Ohhh Seer's" Wolffe says
"Wait you didnt have divination in america?" Peter asks
"We did, we just called it Seer's class" Wolffe says "So Miss Evans how is severus this morning"
"I dont know, i'm waiting too get my schedule and then I'm off too find him"
"Tell him i said good morning will you" Wolffe says
"You could come with me" Lily says
"I could but someones gotta keep these four in line. They found themselves getting detention last night" Wolffe says
"Oh boy you have fun with that" Lily says
"Mr. Koon" Mcgonagall said holding out a sheet of parchment
"Thank you professor" Wolffe says taking the parchment
"Looks like we have transfiguration first" Lily says looking at her own paper
"Bloody hell we all got all three electives" James said "Even Wolffe did"
"Didnt you hear, they are standard for all third year's this year." Lily says "Well anyway. I'm of too find sev, good luck with this lot Wolffe"
"Catch you later Miss Evans" Wolffe says
"What the hell was that" James says
"What?" Wolffe says
"I've never seen her talk to anyone but servers like that before. She's usually crabby too everyone when I'm nearby" James says
"Maybe she just likes me, i dunno she seamed pretty nice too me" Wolffe says
"We have transfiguration with the slytherins per usual" Remus says
"Great, i'll get too see severus" Wolffe says
"That's not a good thing" Sirius says
"Just because we don't like him doesn't mean wolffe cant be friends with him" Remus says "And James just because you like Lily-"
"Yeah yeah" James says
"Wait, you like her?" Wolffe says
"Yeahhh" James says blushing
"Well no wonder she doesn't like you. You call her lily-flower. You don't give a girl a pet name unless they say you can" Wolffe says
"How would you know that" James says
"Just common sense really, and respect. You be nice too her and she may end up liking you" Wolffe says "Anyway class starts at 9, how long does it take too get too transfiguration. Also who teaches it"
"It's just down the way, our head of house Minnie teaches it" Sirius says
"Minnie? You call professor Mcgonagall 'Minnie'" Wolffe says
"Yeah" Sirius says
"I..... i have no words. That is so rude" Wolffe says
"You're some respect freak" Sirius says "Chill out"
"I'll see you in class" Wolffe says getting up and walking out of the great hall
"Hey wait up" Wolffe turned too see Lily and Severus running up too him
"Hey" Wolffe says
"Where you headed?" Lily says "Class isnt for another hour"
"I dont really know, away from Sirius Black" Wolffe says
"I dont blame you. What did he do?" Severus asked
"Called me a respect freak. After I told him calling Professor Mcgonagall Minnie was rude" Wolffe says "If I hadn't walked away I would've punched him but I dont care too get detention yet"
"Black is an idiot and a prick. Dont let him get too you" Lily says
"We cant go too the class early can we?" Wolffe says
"Not this early" Lily says as they stop at a bench "We can wait here until it's time"
"Thanks. I probably would of ended up lost if you hadnt came after me" Wolffe says
"It's not a issue" Severus says
"So what is Proffesor McGonagall like" Wolffe asked
"She's quite strict. Does not tolerate foolishness" Lily says "But she's the best teacher here at hogwarts in my opinion."
"So you're from umm.... America was it" Severus asks
"Yeah" wolffe says
"What was it like there" Lily asks "I've always wanted too visit. Where in America did you live in"
"Just a small little town in North Carolina. Honestly it was pretty borning there. And the school sucked" Wolffe says
"I always heard that Ivymore was beautiful" Severus says
"Oh it's beautiful alright but it freaking sucks, that's half why dad decided we were moving too England. I couldnt learn a damn thing there. If it wernt for the private tutor dad hired i'd still be on a first year level" Wolffe says
"Man that sucks" Severus says
"But america itself is great when you're in a city. Cody and rex enjoy the small towns. Guess I never really got into them." Wolffe says
"Cody and Rex?" Lily asks
"My brothers, twins. They dont have magic which sucks but it is what it is" Wolffe says
"It must be weird being away from them" Severus says
"A little bit but it's mostly a relief. Here people will know me as who I am and not. Rex and Cody's strange brother. Although if you ask cody Rex is the strange one of the three of us"
"You all the same age?" Severus asks
"Yep triplets. Faterinal though" Wolffe says
"Hey there you are Wolffe what are you doing with Snevilis" Sirius said as the marauders come by
"I am talking too my friend. So you had better not call him that again" Wolffe says
"Come on mate he's a slytherin" Sirius says
"Yeah well unlike you he actually knows how too be nice too people" Wolffe says standing up his hands balled into fists
"Okay lets all just take deep breaths." James says
"How could you be friends with a slimy git" Sirius says. Wolffe lunged. James stepped infront of Sirius resulting in Wolffe's fist clocking him across the face. James went down. Remus and Severus immediately had a hold of Wolffe
"Sirius is he alright" Remus asked Wolffe was breathing hard
"Um well he's out" Sirius says
"Let me check." Wolffe says
"You're not gonna try and punch Black again are you" Severus says
"I'm good, i'm calm" Wolffe says his breathing evening out, Severus and Remus shared a look before they let him go. Wolffe knealed down too where James was laying. James was completely out.
"He's out like a light" Wolffe says "Miss Evans in my bag there should be a few blue capsules hand me one"
"What are you gonna used that for" Sirius asked
"It's filled with smelling salts works wonders for waking someone up" Wolffe says as Lily hands him one of the capsules. He breaks it under James nose
"Huah!" James gasped awake
"You alright mate?" Sirius asked
"What happened" James asks
"Sirius started being his usual self around Snape. Wolffe seems too have befriended Snape so he got defensive and Sirius insulted him causing Wolffe too lunged at him swinging a punch that you intercepted" Remus says
"I punched you in the face, sorry about that" Wolffe says
"And Sirius I must say that was most uncalled for. You saw that Wolffe was being friends with Snape and you out right insulted him. Apologize now. Too both of them" Remus says
"I'm sorry" Sirius says
"Well now that that is over. If we don't go now we're gonna be late too transfiguration" James says
"Whoa easy there" Wolffe says as James tries to get up "Let me help you"
"I'm fine" James says
"James, I just knocked you out. With one punch, you need to take it easy for a few minutes'' Wolffe says taking James's bag
"Come on we're gonna be late" Lily says
"After you Miss evans" Wolffe says
"Will you please stop calling me that. I know that you know my name" Lily says Wolffe gives her a smirk and they all follow her too the transfiguration classroom

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