Another unexpected visit and a big fight

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Once were at school I go to class and head to math to the meanest teacher ever why is life so mean to me WHY?!? You know I should take drama because I'd actually get an A++++++ yup they'd need a new grading system then HAHA! We'll now I'm here so I take my seat and get out my phone and listen to SWS (sleeping with sirens) yay!!!! And then I text my mom to get me some ice cream because I ate it all last night 😝 Now the teachers starting class so I start talking to the girl next to me and them the teacher calls me I said "WHAT CANT YOU SEE IM HAVING A CONVERSATION!!! " And then I realized what I said and then I started apologizing and kids started laughing at me I said "y'all are mean popcorn" then I left the class telling them I meant it then I ran into the principles office I said "serious time" he said "ya" and he took out his music ya he has music here what kinda principle doesn't WELL ANSWA ME!! We'll anyway we start to get down to business  and he starts to ask "why I was yelling" I say "I don't know I was just mad which is true" he says "ok then I'll talk to her" so I say "THANK U THANK U!!" Then I leave and start singing god gave me you for the ups and downs luv that song!!! Alright serious time I go get my stuff from first mod give the teacher a mean look which she returns I take a pic of her face quick and say hope you like long lectures from your boss her face gets red and I walk out laughing ha That PoCORN DESERvEd it!!! Point one for guess who me!! now it's time for lunch I go and sit with my friends and we just talk while I eat my star cookie it's DELICIOUS!!! Yum! Now time to go home because I'm sick of school and now I feel horrible because I don't wanna go home and see my parents things, are just getting worse at home my parents are always fighting at home so at school I try to be happy at least for while before going back to that h*ll I call home. So before I go back home I go to the play ground by the school and sit on the swing swing back and forth  just thinking about everything then I hear a voice and I look up and see Damon  "whazzup popcorn" I said  "popcorn?" He says I said "ya because your mean" he said "I know I'm sorry" then he hugged me ME?!? Can you believe because I sure can't, so back to our conversation he says "thank you" and then just leaves so after that weird conversation I go home and my mom starts yelling at me for being late once my dad hears he comes over here and starts yelling at me too I say "LEAVE ME ALONE!!!" Then my mom yells "YOU ARE SO UNGRATEFUL YOU BRAT!!! "And my dad Screams "SHUT THE F**k UP BOTH OF YOU!!!" I just stare at them and start yelling " I HATE YOU!!!" And then I go to my room and slam my door and then lock it and lay down in my bed  I fall asleep dreaming about a life without my parents.

I hope you like it plz comment and tell me what you think and how should Sophie react to her dream be happy be sad or just be angry what do I think.

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