Chapter 2: the nightmare

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↷ ➤ Shoto's POV ↶

I bounced my leg nervously as I watched uraraka use her magic. 'God I hope this works' I thought to myself as I placed my hand on izuku's. I just wanted him back to how he was before. Uraraka opened her eyes and looked down at Izuku with a worried expression. "What's wrong?" I asked. "I-I can't feel anything" she said before she got up and rushed towards her book and started flipping through the book. "What do you mean?" I asked her. "He can't remember anything because his memories were taken from him and whatever did that must've know you would have brought him to me because now thanks to me using my magic on him, he's now in a internal nightmare" she said.


"What?!" I yelled and looked down at izuku "isn't there anything you can do?" I asked and squeezed Izuku's hand. "I know I have a spell in here that might be able to help" She said. I brought his hand to my face and I kissed it "please wake up, I don't know what I'd do without you" I said softly. "Found it!" I heard uaraka yell before she went to the back. "..S-sho" I heard izuku mumble. I looked at him and saw him with a painful expression. "I'm right here Izu" I said and kissed his hand again. Uaraka came back into the room with her wand. "This is going to hurt Izuku but I have to do it" she said before she waved her wand a little and said some words that I'm sure was in a different language.


Izuku cried out in pain and jolted awake. Tears started flowing down his face. I sat next to him on the bed and pulled him into a hug. He cried into my chest and held on tightly "it's okay I'm right here" I said softly to him and gently ran my hand through his hair. "..I-I'm so sorry Izuku" Uaraka said softly before she walked out of the room. I felt Izuku grip loosen a little on me before he moved away. "S-Sorry for crying on you" He said and wiped his tear stained cheeks.


"It's okay" I said and gave him a comforting smile. He smiled back and rubbed his eyes tiredly. "Hey, how about we go to my place?" I suggested before getting up off the bed. "Yeah" He said and got off the bed. We were about to leave when kirishima walked in. "Oh hey Todoroki" he said cheerfully. He looked behind me and noticed Izuku "hey Izuku" he said. Izuku grabbed my arm and hid behind me. "What's wrong?" He asked with a hint of sadness in his voice. The two used to be close before Izuku lost his memories so I could see why he was upset.


"Um that's a story for another time, how about you come over to my house and I'll explain" I said and Kirishima nodded. I went to move but izuku didn't let me go. "Izuku its alright he's my friend" I said but he didn't let me go. I don't understand, he wasn't this scared of meeting others before. I then remember the incident that happened earlier and realized that he must have had a bad dream about maybe new people. I decided to let him continue to hug my arm and continued walking to my house.


We soon made it to my house and I lead Izuku to our shared bedroom well it used to be our bedroom. "You can sleep here" I said and he nodded. He crawled onto the bed and hugged one of the pillows "I'll be in the living room with kirishima if you need me" I said before walking out. I left the door opened a little just so I can still hear him. I walked to the living room and saw kirishima sitting down on one of the chairs. I sat next to him and didn't say anything instead I kept glancing over at the bedroom door.


"May I ask, what happened when you guys left?" I heard kirishima ask. "Well we ran into some trouble and Izuku got hit" I said. "And he lost his memories?" Kirishima said. I looked at him "how'd you know?" I asked. "It wasn't that hard to figure out also I ran into Iida and he mentioned it" he said. I slowly nodded and sighed softly. I felt kirishima's hand on my shoulder "hey I know it must be hard but it will get better" he said but I couldn't take it anymore, all the emotions I had built up inside about this whole thing came out "How?" I said, my voice raising a little as I stood up.


"The person I love the most is in our shared bedroom and I can't even hold him close to me without him getting scared because he doesn't know who I am or who we used to be" I said and felt tears in my eyes. "How is this suppose to get better?" I asked. I felt a little bad for raising my voice at kirishima but I couldn't stay calm anymore, it really hurt because my lover didn't remember me. Kirishima got up and pulled me into a hug "I know I might not understand how you feel but I want to because you are my friend and I want to help you" he said and rubbed my back. "Thanks" I said.


He let go of me "maybe you can do some things with Izuku that you did before and maybe he'll regain some of his memories" he suggested. I thought about it, that actually sounded like a good idea to try "that's not a bad idea" I said. "Well try not to sound to surprise" he said with a pout "sorry it's just you don't really come up with ideas so it's new" I said but that wasn't helping me. Kirishima just rolled his eyes at me "yeah whatever" he said. "I should get going Katsuki is going to be mad with me if I'm late for dinner" he said and left.


I decided to go check on Izuku since I didn't have anything else to do. I slowly opened the door and looked on the bed expecting to see Izuku sleeping but he wasn't there. "Izuku?" I called out and walked into the room. I had noticed that the window was open and grew nervous.


↷ ➤ ???'s POV

I skipped down the hallway to the small room where everyone was "about time you showed up" I heard someone say. I rolled my eyes at him "whatever" I said and sat down against the wall. "So what did you find out?" He asked me. "Our plan is working, he doesn't remember anyone and he won't be for a while" I said with a smirk. "Good, make sure you don't let anyone figure out who you are because I can't have this ruined " he said. "I know what I'm doing okay so stop babying me" I said. "He just doesn't want you to mess this up because you tend to do that" someone else said.


I stood up and puffed out my cheeks and placed my hands on my hips "oh I do? Who is the reason why our plan is working? Oh that's right, me!" I said pushed past him. "You wouldn't have been able to do any of this without my help and you know it!" He yelled back at me. "Oh my god enough! It's like listening to two wolfs bark at each other" the other said. "Now I want you to get back out there and continue the plan" he said. 


..To be continued..

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 09, 2021 ⏰

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