Chapter 3

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*sorry that I edited the previous chapters like 100 times. I just didn't like them. I wanted to get them right, or at least as okay as can be! There were inconsistencies that I need to change and address, so I'm sorry. I don't know if you get notifications every time I update them all, but I'm sorry if you do!*

Ana's POV

With the new curveball I had organised the jet to take off earlier. Instead of leaving 7am, I was leaving at midnight. For my plan to work I needed to be early, I would need the cover of the night. As instead of assassinating her out in the open, I had to play it risky. I had to get into her apartment. This was not an easy task. But it was doable. As long as everything went to plan.

Once my mission was planned, and I had spare time. I researched into the Avengers, watched videos of their fighting styles and techniques. As I visualised and practised the moves, part of me already felt familiar with their weaknesses, and their strengths, like it had been engraved in my mind. It just seem second nature. Maybe that was one of the things HYDRA put into my head during brainwashing?

However recent videos didn't seem to exist. From this last year and a bit, I couldn't find any videos, or any information at all on the avengers. It was frustrating because if they changed up their technique I would need to know, but it was like they had gone dark for over an entire year. Not a single image, or article about them. Radio silence. It was odd. It was like the web was wiped clean.


Once I arrived in Germany, I was already dressed in combat gear I readied myself. It was still dark out this early in the morning, I landed with my parachute onto the roof, and disgusted it. I climbed down using wires so I was next to her window. I checked my watch 7:05, I was already behind schedule, but couldn't waste any further time kicking myself over it.

I knew the layout of the apartment, I hacked into the buildings systems and found the floor prints. Her bedroom, where she would currently be was on one side, the large kitchen window, that I would use as my point of entry was on the far side.

I pulled out the laser I was given by the engineers. It wasn't exactly state of the art, but it would work. The glass didn't shatter as I cut a whole into it big enough for me to creep through. No alarms went off.

I was always good with computers, but HYDRA made me better. I had disabled them before starting, but disabled wasn't quite the right word, more like rewired. I had rerouted their sensors to elsewhere in the building. So to anyone checking the systems everything seemed fine. 

Once I had cut the hole, I suctioned the now loose glass and gently placed it onto the floor of the apartments kitchen to make sure it didn't crash and make a sound. Then I slipped in. Simple. Phase 1 complete.

The whole place was dark. I knew my way around, by memorising the floor plans I had a rough idea but everything looked so different with furniture. I crept into the Chancellors room, but one thing I didn't account for was that she was a light sleeper. She shot up the second I entered her room, pressing an alarm that was next to her. Fuck. I pulled out my guns and held one towards her, and one towards the door waiting for whoever was going to come through.

Nat's POV

I was standing outside the apartment door. I hated security detail sometimes. The boys were probably still sleeping back at the hotel waiting for the press event later. Here I was checking over security systems, and waiting for the women to leave.

That's when I heard my comms buzz. She had pressed the alarm. Something was wrong. I sent an SOS to the boys, and darted into the apartment, guns drawn. I headed straight to the bedroom where she had notified me she was on her alarm, and swung the door open. My eyes honed in straight away on the gun which was pointing at my face, but then they darted up to meet a familiar pair of eyes.

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