The sacred smile

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This is an original chapter, nothing from the movie.

I just finished writing this and gosh my head hurts okay byeee!


Marcus Abbott was awestruck the first time he saw you. The way you hid behind your mother's legs the first day of Kindergarten, your big curious doe eyes flickering over at every object you saw in the classroom. He would constantly smile at the memory of his stomach filling with butterflies. And the happiest day of his life was when you first talked to him.

The sound of children's delighted screams filled the ears of the little brown-haired boy as he picked at the mulch from the playground. He was quieter and sicker than the rest of his classmates, an easy target for oncoming bullies in the future or in this case - just a few seconds.

They weren't buff or had ragid teethe like what the boy would see in movies and TV shows he watched - no, they just looked like average 5 to 6 year olds. Maybe a slight chipped tooth on one but that was it. The kids - a group of 4 - glared down at Marcas Abbott that gloomy day at the playground.

"Hey, Marcus!"

Marcus stared out into the distance, stuck in a trance, an endless loop of horrid memories yet an incredible outcome. But it soon faded when a familiar person shook him from behind, cathing his attention. You. You and your beautiful face.

'Do you. . . need something?' Marcus signed towards you, his neck craning behind him to see you.

'No, just looked like you died.' It was the only excuse you could come up with, you didn't want to seem like a stalker of any sort. You had seen him staring blankly into the horizon of the green pastern where your siblings had planted flowers. It was a nice thing to think of. Nice indeed. You sat down next to him, already making yourself comfortable. 'What are you thinking about?'

The Abbott boy was quick to answer, 'Nothing'

You nodded, content with his response, gazing up at the sky as it hit the brink of dawn. It was a glorious sight to see and with the unfortunate circumstances, you watched in silence. All the words you wished to speak were locked up for as long as you thought was forever. At least I have my sanity, you thought, not yet

You laid down, breathing in the fresh air the world had given to you, the dew that sat upon the grass. You took in the beauty that was still in the world. Marcus watched you close your eyes imagining a different place. A place where killer aliens weren't roaming the earth. Palace where your mom would wake you up with a smile on her face, comforting you when you have a bad dream.

A place where Pan would be accepted by people, friends, that will love him no matter what. A place where Hestia can grow up like a regular kid.

A place . . . a place where you and Marcus could run free like wild children in the sun together, sharing stories and laughter that everyone can hear. You didn't want what reality gave you.

You didn't want the isolation. You didn't want a quiet place.

Warmth of a hand held onto your own. Your eyes peaked open seeing a familiar boy with shaggy brown hair looking down at you. Though life gives you pain, regret, grief; it can give you love of all things, light in the darkness. Marcus Abbott seemed to always be that light to make you smile. And so it did. That sacred smile Marcus loved to see on your face.

You gripped his hand, promising an unspoken truth. It was hushed. Lovely. Marcus laid down next to you, the two of you gazing up at the sky that was filled up with the large sun rising. A beauty to share with the world.

The boy looked up, he should have been wary of his actions because right when his eyes landed on the kids, he felt his whole body fall back, knocking the wind right out of him. Marcus leaned on the ground, mulch pricked at his soft hands. The kids above him laughed, along with some other bystanders. Ryder - the leader of the group - began to kick his sides, knocking Marcus back to the ground. More kids surrounded them, waiting for the next move from any of them.

But it wasn't from the either of them. A yell echoed from the crowd of children before a kid sprinted out the crowd of children, ramming into Ryder and onto the ground.


Marcus sat waiting, an ice pack to his side and his unknown savior just a curtain away. Some kid from their class told a teacher who told a dean so they could break up the fight. Marcus Abbott was anxious. Every so often he wondered what the person looked like, what they wore, how they talked. But he was up for the mystery.

"(Y/N) (M/N) Baxter!" screamed a woman as she made her way to Marcus' mystery person. The woman had her hair in a messy bun and had a coffee stained blouse. Her heals made clacking sounds as she stomped on the white tile that covered the nurse's office floor.

"Mom, I—" Marcus thought you had a pretty voice.

"No! Why can't just one phone call — just one — saying that my child did something great!" he felt horrible at the sound of your mother yelling at you. It made a pit in his stomach that seemed to just swallow everything.


I'm sorry," your voice was low, barely audible.

"(Y/N). . . I just — let's go home," your mother held disappoint in her words, but also understanding. And concern.

She held you in her arms, carrying you out of the nurse's office. Marcus got a glance — a good, too — of your face snuggled into your mother's neck.

You were beautiful. Extremely.


Okay um hi. havent seen yall in a awhile. thought i could just smuggle this in. i feel bad about leaving yall for like months, i dont remember. stay safe. btw not edited or proof read im too tired for that shit. okay bye bye.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 02, 2021 ⏰

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