Chapter 2, Sickness..?

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What is going on with me, why am i so sick, all my energy is drained, all I want to do is sit in this corner.. all day.. but I know that won't help me, I will get out of this hell that is my mind!

Makoto POV: "I'm worried about Byakuya, he has been acting strange lately, i don't know what it is but I'll ask him tomorrow, he seems like he could need someone to talk to, I'm probably not worth his time to him but I will try" I let out a quiet giggle, the tall blonde boy interested me, I wanted to know more about him, what he did in his free time, if he has any love interests or what his favourite food is, just the simple stuff that gets friends closer!

I started to talk out loud to myself, saying stuff like "I bet he likes pool games, he would totally beat everyone, with his long legs he would be able to swim laps upon laps i can just tell" i spouted on about this man for a long time, until i got tired and decided to sleep, I slept peacefully knowing that eventually I would make friends with the cold hearted man, I just knew deep down he was a softie, I could just sense it!

The next day came swiftly, my mind was just flooding with questions to ask Togami, but I refrained from that for now, since he wasn't in a stable state to be bombarded with personal questions. Yet I wanted to spend time with him, I knew he wouldn't care but I won't stop until he gives in and becomes my friend!

After the morning announcement, I sprung up from my bed and headed out to my dorm, not to my suprise, Togami was sat in his dorm, alone. I purposely brought him an apple from the cafeteria, knowing that he tolirrated this food, anything I'd cook he would call "commoner's food" so I didn't follow through with that. As I got to the door of his dorm I wondered if he would even answer me, I hoped he would because I wanted to speak to him, I had this urge to comfort the tall blonde, why did i?

After a long hesitation I finally knocked on the door, to my suprise he answered, he looked a mess.

His shirt was all crumpled and his tie was half undone, his face was poofy and red, like he had been crying for hours on end, that wouldn't suprise me due to his previous breakdown in the dining hall, his jacket was half on, hanging off his sharp shoulder and his pants where scrawled up his legs.

I continued to look at him, not realising that I'd been staring for a long time. He finally snapped at me, saying
"Are you done?"

My face turned a strong red as I didn't realise I had been staring at him, I looked into his eyes, they where soft. Soon enough I had come to the conclusion that I should speak to him, about what had been going on, I'd prepared notes to ask him but my forgetful self left them next to my bed, I rehearsed some of the stuff I would ask him before I went to sleep so I knew what to say. I stutterd "can we have a talk..? I've been thinking over about your actions and wondering if your okay Byakuya.."

He turned slightly, like he was hiding an expression, but eventually he muttered "that's Togami to you, and I will allow you to speak to me, what is it that you want"

He was less snappy than usual, this made me giggle slightly, he didn't insult me on being a commoner or a peasant for once so he is slowly growing on me, I can just tell.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 11, 2021 ⏰

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