Late Night Calls

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"bye class" miss smith says and one by one the little boxes disappear from the screen. I wait a bit so i don't seem too eager to leave, then tap the small red leave box in the corner.

I lean back in my chair and grab my phone from the desk right as message popped through:


You look really good in that sweatshirt babe😉


thank you baby 🥰


Wanna ft date xx


Sorry, i can't, got another class in 15 xxx


Awww😔 How about after xxx


Kk i'll call you when class is over😘


I'll be waiting😘😘

I put my phone back down on the desk get ready for my science zoom.

"Hellooo Class" Mr Johnson says and pulls up his power point for the lesson.

Time Skip To After The Lesson:


You ready to call baby😘


One sec just gotta get ready xxxx


But you already look so cute 😩❤️

He's is referring to my messy bun, oversized sweatshirt and joggers i haven't taken off in a week. But regardless of his compliments, i put on a small black tube top, oversized brown zip up, pleated black skirt and fish net tights. I plaited my hair letting the blond underside intertwine with the black. I pick up my white iphone 11, lie down on my bed and call Tyler.

"Heyyy baby" he says deeply, he has his grey joggers on and he's shirtless, god he's so sexy... i shake my self out of it and answer back.

"Hiiii, how are you"

"i'm good babe, how are you" his voice is so cute when it's all deep.

"i'm really good actually lockdowns been pretty fun annndddd we get to FaceTime every day"

"that is a definite bonus" he winks and virtually checks me out. I giggle and do the same to him. "yeah it's not too bad" i wink back, "Anyway what have you been up to lately"

"nothing much i've been going out on my bike a lot" Ty has a motorbike it's super hot, he used to take me out on it all the time, before lockdown of course. He's been struggling a lot during the pandemic, he doesn't really have the best family life he's got two little sisters, an older brother and his dad left them when he was 10.

"How's your mum?" i ask, he doesn't talk about his family a lot but it's worth a try.

"She's hanging in there, I've been working down at target to help out but i don't get a lot and Dev's not helping out as per usual" Devons his older brother he's not really.... on the right tracks. I could tell he wasn't super comfortable so i changed the subject.

"so target, huh" i say smiling,

"Yeah uh it was kinda hard getting an interview cause you know pandemic shit but they really liked me and i get a pretty steady pay check" he stared off into his room for a bit "Hey! you know you could come work with me. I know you've been looking for a job, and we'd get to hang out plus you'd get some sweet cashola" we laugh. You know it's not that bad of an idea. "Wait that's actually a good idea" i sound suprised cause Ty doesn't do great in school "can you put in a good word for me?" i plead; to add extra spice i hit him with the puppy dog eyes.

"Oh you know i can't resist your ocean blues" he's referring to my grey ass eyes "ill send my manager a text" he laughs

"thank you baby" i say still giving him those puppy dog eyes.

Suddenly my mum barges through my door,

"Liz are you-" her eyes dart to my phone as Ty frantically pulls the camera up so his rock hard abs are no longer on show "oh hi Ty how are you!" she calls, she's always liked Ty she says he 'he treats me like a lady' which isn't wrong but it gets annoying when she says it every time i bring him up. "Hi miss daverson" Ty says smiling.

"Annyyyywwwaayyyy i'll leave you two alone" she says winking.

"urgh mom" i say and i throw my pillow at her she slowly walks out of my room and closes to door but not all the way so i get up and close it myself. Me and Ty laugh.

Time Skip To 3:00am:

"babe, hey, baby" i wake up and i'm still on FaceTime with Ty, he's lying down with his phone up on his night stand it feels like i'm right there with him.

"my manager just got back to me, he says you've got a interview!" he says, he's super energetic for someone awake at 3:00am.

"WAIT REALLY!" i jump up, then i realise it's 3:00am "wait really!" i whisper-exclaim. We laugh and then my panic starts to kick in, see i have social anxiety and interviews are not my forte. "oh shoot what am i gonna wear, do i go classy casual, just casual, just classy, flirty, cute, casual cute, formal, formal cute, business, business casual, business formal, business flirty-"

"hey, hey, hey, it's okay calm down you can FaceTime me and i'll help you. But honestly you look perfect in anything" he smiles, god a love that man. "your gonna ace that interview babe i just know it" i'm starting to calm down he's the only one that helps with my panic attacks. "okay okay" i start to visualise outfits in my head, outfits popping in and out accessories and skirts and pants and jumpers and makeup and hair. It's only been a few seconds but "i've got it!" i'm whisper-exclaiming again, "i'll wear my classic vans, my black skinny jeans, my black corset top and my grey tweed blazer. Accessories- my thick black belt with the gold buckle, nails short painted black,a small simple gold ring and a plain black mask. Hair- down, loosely curled. Details- Cuffs rolled, clear phone case, small white trainer socks. Does that sound okay?" i feel like i should be out of breath after that but i'm not, nothing makes me happier then planning outfits.

"Holy shit baby" Ty exclaimed "Even after all the times you've done that it still surprises me." he looks so shocked, so naturally i laugh at him. Then i realise i'm still in my skirt and tube top,

"oh my god" i laugh "i'm still all dressed up" i get up and head to my dresser. " i was gonna wake you up.." he goes all puppy dog on my "but you looked so cute" he laughs.

"oh shush i say and throw my hoodie at my phone"

I put on my black silk pj set and get back into bed. "i'm gonna go to sleep now baby see you later, love you" i kiss the camera and hang up, i just manage to set an alarm for the morning before i pass out. 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 09, 2021 ⏰

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