Chapter 5

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                             Tw: Violence

It has been a couple of hours since Y/N had started crying, she had passed out an hour ago. Niki had comforted her throughout this hour, it was hard to comfort her since she kept putting herself down whenever she tried to tell her she's great. Y/N kept on saying that she didn't want to sleep, but she eventually passed out. She was a lot heavier than Niki expected, she almost fell when Y/N passed out it kind of scared her. Now here we are Y/N dead asleep, leaning against Niki her head laying in Niki's lap.

Niki gently pets the velvet on the wendigos antlers, it was like the fuzz on a blanket, softer than expected. Niki has wanted to get up for a little but she doesn't want to disturb the woman's sleep. Y/N had told Niki that she was a wendigo while half asleep, Niki was surprised, to say the least, she doesn't know if she was telling the truth so she will wait till she wakes up to ask her about it. Niki gently started petting her head careful not to wake up the other, she felt Y/N flinch back at the touch of her hand and she paused pulling back her hand. She looked down at the other her gaze hardening into a glare, it wasn't directed at Y/N, no she's too sweet. She was glaring at the open wound in the back of her head, she won't lie Y/N was good at hiding that she was in pain. Niki brushed her finger on the outside of the wound. She would have to ask Fundy to bandage that, it could get infected.

"Niki!" A battered up Tommy ran up the hill cuts and scrapes clearly visible on his light skin tone. The young teen froze when he saw the sleeping woman, "That's the bitch?!" He barked pointing at the unconscious woman. A man with a larger build came up behind Tommy, he seemed to be tying his long pink hair up into a ponytail. He wore a white button-up long sleeve shirt, a pair of dark blue leggings, and a red cape with a fur lining. The pink-haired man sighed scratching the back of his neck, "so, who is this?" Niki looks up at the group and goes, "her name is Y/N if I remember correctly." Tommy smirks before stating, "I'm sensing some severe sexual tension right now!" He bursts into laughter and Niki chuckles softly, the man with pink-hair just stares at Tommy sighing heavily. Y/N twitches a little before grumbling something. Tommy clearly tenses up and the man with the pink hair crosses his arms shifting his weight to be more comfortable.

Y/N's eyes flared open recoiling away from Niki falling back getting the air knocked out of her lungs, she let out a loud 'oof,' she sits up rubbing her back scowling. Y/N looked up at Niki her face softening, "Sorry I feel asl-" she looks behind her staring at the two people behind her. She looks back at Niki, then at the other two. Tommy is busy glaring daggers at her while Technoblade just stares at her. Y/N stands up shuffling awkwardly before taking off sprinting towards the tree line. Niki yelps, "Y/N wait!?" Technoblade starts running after her roughly grabbed her by the hood of her hoodie, she lets out a strangled screech turning around, and bites Technoblades arm. Technoblade feels the piercing sharp pain of her teeth sinking into his flesh. Technoblade flinched slightly but doesn't let go using his other hand to gently pry her off. He grabs both her shoulders tightly stating firmly, "calm down, we weren't gonna hurt ya or anything." Y/N only let out a growl in response, side glancing the other.

Niki ran up to the two let out a shriek when she saw the bite on Technoblade's arm, Tommy ran overhearing Niki's shriek he hisses grabbing Y/N's sweater collar ripping her away from Technoblades grip and starting screaming in her face, "what the hell is wrong with you?!" Niki panicked and yelled, "Tommy stop!" Y/N looked over at Niki for a moment before looking back at Tommy just in time to see him bring his hand down slapping her in the face, she lets out a surprised yelp flinching backward and he let go of her Y/N stepped back gripping her cheek. She looked at Tommy her eyes watering, Niki and Technoblade just stare frozen in place, Y/N let out what could only be described as a whimper backing away, Tommy takes a step forward a smirk planted on his face, "that's what you get for helping Sapnap, bitch." Y/N turned around running back towards the forest, she then burst off into a first into the forest. She could hear Niki yell for her to come back but she didn't look back and continued to sprint as fast as she could.

Y/N ran through the overgrown forest tripping on roots but she didn't slow down for anybody or anything. Soon though about after a couple of minutes of running, she fell to the ground letting out a squeak of pain as she scraped up her legs on the rocks. She sits up hissing in pain grabbing her leg taking a look at it, she could see pieces of rocks stuck in her knee. She tries to grab a piece but her hand recoiled as she growled trying once more managing to grab a piece with her fingers and lets out a muffled scream covering her mouth. She squinted her eyes closed shaking her head and grabbed another piece of rock ripping it out of her knee, he bit her lip refusing to scream, not only would it hurt her ego but it may get her caught as well. She tried to stand propping herself up against a tree hissing under her breath before falling back onto the ground. She sighs letting out a shaky breath and hugs herself. She sat against the tree for a minute before trying once more to stand but fails miserably. She sighs trying once more to try and removes a rock from her knee. She grabs it successfully and yanks it out letting out a pained yelp.

"Pussy." You heard a masculine voice say from somewhere behind Y/N, she turns around quickly hissing in pain falling over again. "Well aren't you a dumbass," the voice stated once again matter of factly she glanced back in the direction of the voice and was surprised to see a man in a business suit. Although that wasn't the part that surprised her, what surprised her was the long goat-like horns on his head. He has sleek chocolate brown hair it was a tad bit darker than his tan skin tone, he also had a small trace of a beard. He had crimson-colored eyes that seemed to stare directly at Y/N.

Y/N visibly flinched back stumbling away from the person. The man smirks putting his hands up in a position that says, 'I mean no harm.' Before starting to walk towards Y/N, Y/N watched him cautiously as he got closer to her before he set a hand on her shoulder. She lets out a surprised squeak slapping the hand away and jumping up only to fall to the ground. She started feeling nauseous, she forced herself up and tried her hardest to hold a glare towards the man. The man whistles, "You sure are jumpy." He forcefully grabbed her arm and slammed her head knocking her out cold.


Nihachu 13%- She understands your fear, she hoped that you wouldn't have run away though.

Technoblade 2%- He doesn't hold any ill will against you for bitings him.

TommyInnIt 0%- Yeah there's not much recovery for you

Jschlatt 1%- You seem like you needed help, he offered it and when you refused he forced it.

Dream 3%- He is unaware of what is going on.

Sapnap 18%- He is confused, where were you. Niki is still around but where are you.

Skeppy 0%- Still don't know you

Antfrost 4%- He heard about the incident and feels bad.

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