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Down in the depths there is nothing. Except the screams of terror from those down under, in the abyss. Day after day, screams are all you'll hear. As soul after soul is ripped apart, tortured day after day. As I experience my tortuous routine, bleeding, dying, I pray . . . yes I pray. Pray that the pain and harm I experience will not necessarily go away, but maybe cleanse my soul, making me pure and whole again. Before my journey to the pit, I was filled with hopes and dreams. I was nothing more than an innocent child with a starry eyed view of the world. Then suddenly that was taken away, my innocence, my childhood and I became something different, something dark. Not dark in the sense, of evil, but dark in the sense of lacking. Lacking that once pure, shining light. The light that had signs of life and love. Then one day I heard the call. The howl of the hounds coming for me. I tried to hide, to run, but all my efforts were done in vain. They found me, like a hungry lion, hunting a gazelle, they grabbed me, sharp, razor teeth ripping into my flesh. I was done. I awoke to the sounds of horror. The moaning and screaming from my peers down under. I was cold and the world around me was something different, dark, scary and filled with people like me and people and creatures of pure evil. Down here, we are not equal we are tortured souls. Tormented and hunted by others down here. As I lie, pinned down, accepting punishment for my sins, I think back to the bible. I think about God's love and forgiveness. Wondering if I could ever be released from this nightmare. More often then not I think of Leviathans, creatures so large and evil they gained so much control. It's then that I realize why these creatures were sent here. Because they are too big and dangerous to live among man, God has sent them into the fire, to rein over us and teach us, the error in our ways and the negativity of our sins. They look after us, like a man watches over a flock of sheep. I cannot escape and I don't know if I want too. It was on the surface that my life turned around. It was there that I lost my innocence I became, the thing I am now.... whatever that may be. In a twisted way this hell has become my home and the pain inflicted has become the cleansing I desperately need for my sins. Although, I must be honest... I am not 100% sure what a young child did so wrong to anger the world. But either way I'll take my punishment. As others continue to weaken and break, I hold on and find hope. Punishment after punishment I pray, asking for forgiveness and to see the error of my ways .Because then and only then I am hoping that I can at least be forgiven or cleansed. Even if I have to spend the rest of my life in the fiery pit, I hope God will hear me and know that I am truly sorry for what I have done, that I was a lost child, who needed guidance and lacked understanding. Now I am a woman, lacking knowledge of the world, still lost...... At the end of the day we go back to the cage. As I sit on the floor and stare, there is the tiniest crack in the wall and as I look out far away in the distance I can see a small bright light. That light whatever it maybe reminds me of life before the end. Before I was swallowed into the pit. That tiny pin prick of light is life, love and the innocence that was once lost. As I stare at it, I have hope. But I also have fear and dread. I am stuck in this hole with no escape, so will I ever catch the light? Will I ever hold it and feel the warmth that it must bring? Maybe. But not right now. Down here we are alone. Surrounded by thousands but painfully alone. No one on the surface can understand our pain, our choices or our sins. And yet we can't love each other because this isn't a place for love. So I'll continue to sit and endure the pain. Praying for God's love and pure light. And knowing that I am truly not alone even if I feel thousands of miles away from contact. So don't worry about me, I'll be fine because one day I hope to be on the surface. To truly experience the sun and pure love. And although my innocence is long gone and can not be brought back I hope one day to be unbroken. 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 09, 2021 ⏰

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