Chapter Six

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Foxys POV

"And your the one who will last forever and If you break they'll pay the money but I'm the one who if I break they will just throw me away or do what they did...put me out of order!!"I said in a furious tone."And that's what I'm here to do...make you stay out of order!"Yelled Freddy. He was about to strike at my body but then the manager saw he was off the stage and turned his computer on.luckily the computer for me is broken which is why I'm out of order.

Jenna's POV

I heard footsteps coming my way. They sounded like Foxys but I wasn't sure. I poked my head out and saw foxy so I got up and ran to him. He saw I was missing something and that I was crying. He crouched down and looked me in the eye. He noticed my left eye was a different color than my right because Bonnie hurt me and lied to me. But chica wasn't lying and kept me safe from harm.Chica shut Bonnie down for about an hour.Chica helped me a lot since I was now half blind, and so did Foxy.

Foxy and JennaDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora