Everything Happens for a reason

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Hey guys sorry for me not updating but hey i have to try having a social life right? Any who heres ya'lls update enjoy! and PS i will be writing this in 3rd person cause pov is so hard but oh well!

Kaitlyn woke up with a skip in her step and was ready to take on the day. She knew that Tessa would soon take her away and ask about her night but that was expected. What she didn't expect was to see Tessa, Alex, and Sean all in a huge circle talking in hushed voices. Ever since she was a little girl she wanted to be a spy so she was laughing at the thought scilently and she crept up on them. Well apprently she wasn't as good as she thought and Alex turned around  at the last second before she could be in hearing range and he pulled her into a hug. Now she didn't know what to think and was about to speak but then Tessa interupted. "KAITLYN YOU FINALLY GOT YOUR LAZY ARSE UP NOW COME ON IT'S OUR LAST DAY HERE AND WE NEED TO GO BACK DOWN TO THE BEACH BEFORE WE LEAVE TOMMRROW MORNING!!" She pulled Kaitlyn into thier room and kept throwing clothes at her. Aperently she was supposed to wear this but she was so tired and confused on to what just happend but that happens a lot. Her mind always swirls onto thoughts and latches onto them. They always get jumbled and it's hard to get them all under control so she just goes with what Tessa says. She gets dressed with white ripped short shorts and a muscle shirt that says "YOU COMPLETE MEss" she wanted it because one of her favorite bands called 5 seconds of summer's lead singer Luke Hemmings wore it and she has loved it ever since. She has a white bikini under it with some white sunglasses and some black flip flops. Tessa has purple ripped short shorts and a white cropped top with a blood red bikini under it. She also has black flip flops  but has red sunglasses. After they were all done getting ready they met up with the boys on the beach and they all started walking. They found a carnival and they went to it for they're last day. First the boys we're trying to show off and see who could get thier girl more prizes and they tied. Tessa and Sean also realized something. They only wanted to be freinds and when they went on the carosel and talked about what they we're going to do next. "Sean I don't want to ruin this friendship on feelings that aren't really there." That hit Sean like a bullet when Tessa said that, he knew she had felt that way for a while now and he has a little as well but he wasn't ready. If he wanted Tessa in his life he knew he would have to go with it. "Yeah I was thinking the same thing. Sorry I didn't tell you sooner I just wanted to make sure my feelings we just friends." he said. "Yeah agreed thanks Sean." They got off of the carousel and met up with Alex and Kaitlyn because they we're in the cart above them and went to play more games before they went swiming in the dark plannig to play chicken and stupid kid games that they always do. The last game was so typical for guys. It's the one when you hit a huge mallet on a wiegher and the little ball goes up. Well after sean and alex had went the girls wanted to show them how it's done and since the boys got close to the top they had to get to the top. They both got the mallet and they hit the flat circle. The ball went flying and hit the bell and everyone started clapping. They curtsied and when they came back up they started laughing. What they didn't know is that the tough looking guy lowerd the force level and made it easy for them. He smiled and laughed at the picture remebering his daughter and her best friend trying this game when they were younger and he was acutally a big softie under that tough muscular guy interior. After the girls got thier big monkey and bannana they went for a walk on the beach with the guys. They soon got bored of just walking and decided to play chicken. First it was Alex and Kaitlyn agaist Tessa and Sean. "Girl you betta be ready to get that hair of yours wet cause you are going down' Kaitlyn said. Tessa just laughed in her face and said 'In your dreams." They started laughing and pushing each other trying to get the other in the water while the boys under them were trying to keep thier balance from the girls movement. Both guys were getting tired so they fell at the same time and when they got back up Tessa and Kaitlyn were arguing about who hit the water first. After they established that it was a tie Kaitlyn got on Tessa's shoudler because Tessa was stronger and Alex got on sean's. Kaitlyn and Tessa knew the plan and soon it went into action. Kaitlyn pretended to have a stomach ache and Alex stopped trying to push her over and asked if she was okay. She looked up at him and smiled her little micheavious smile and said "I am now that we won" she pushed him into the water and thus leading to the girls winning the chicken fight. They gloated all the way back to the hotel room and they pulled an all nighter. 


Well unfortunatly they got home sooner than they expected and wanted to grace everyone with thier awesome presence so they went to school. Kaitlyn was wearing shorts that came to about mid thigh maybe a little shorter with a flannel tied around her hips with a random muscle shirt Tessa threw at her and her favorite pair of vans with an adidas snap back facing backwards. Tessa was wearing shorts and a tank top with her hair in a side braid and her favortie very worn in pair of vans that she absoulutly loves. They both had amazing tans and look absloutly amazing. They rode with thier each other in Kaitlyn's car because Tessa's was at her house and she spent the night. They met up with Alex and Sean in the front of the school and they walked in together. School was awesome because they all have the same classes except for thier last period and thier second. Kaitlyn had only Tessa in her second and Alex in her last. In thier second period Dylan, Eva, and Kathleen watched them ride in on thier penny boards laughing about what they saw in the hallway. A picture of them in their princess and queen crowns with Sean and Alex posing but what they were laughing at was the dirty looks the three where giving them with the stupid hair and messed up dresses and suits. Anyways back to the classroom. The tension was so thick you could cut it with a knife so Tessa had 2 extra plastic knifes in her lunch box and handed one to Kaitlyn. They started moving the knifes back and forth and chopping the air. The three were fuming at the sight of them being so happy and all thier hard work trying to get Kaitlyn down gone, down the drain, forever forgotten. She was happy and no one could take that away from her. They took thier seats and started passing notes because they already knew what the teacher was talking about. 

K: I feel eyes on us don't you?

T: They're jsut jelly of our style and amazing swaggy skills

K: Well i'm gonna listen to music so get my attention when the teacher calls on me.. (stupid teacher)

T: Well I want to as well so OH WELL DENTENTION WE COME

This will be a good day the both thought once they put in thier head phones. 

Thanks for reading guys or whoever is reading this. 

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